
IMDb member since April 2007
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    17 years


Draft Day

Generous ad for pro football
I'll start by saying I like all kinds of movies, about all kinds of things. This is pretty much a great big advertisement for the NFL, with some Costner and Garner office romance thrown in. Of all the things to portray in human existence, the 'drama' of picking some overpaid boys play games is significant? Don't think so... Felt like just one big promo for modern gladiators.

Tom Papa: Human Mule

Perhaps his best?
I've seen a lot of Papa's specials, and this one stands out. He always makes me laugh, but the honesty and clarity seems to come through here. I don't recall the placement in his repertoire, but he nails so many things on so many levels. Maybe it's the personalization? He really seems to get rolling at 40 minutes, when he starts on wealth. In general, his expressions of so many things are just spot on!


Wish I'd read the other reviews first
I never write these things, decided to pick this up this flick on Prime because I've usually appreciated what Urban has spent time on (Almost Human comes to mind, not to mention TLOR and Star Trek). I really liked him in The Boys. But this? A disaster. Mostly at the feet of Vergara, in my mind - coming off Modern Family to try to play a dark/sinister/sexy spy?? C'mon - I bet she couldn't go a day on set trying to regurgitate the pitiful script without laughing.

I also almost never quit a movie - I try to finish what I start. But I just can't with this one. It's going the way of Tequila Sunrise and A Walk in the Clouds for me - 2 of the worst I've ever had the pain to watch.

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