
IMDb member since April 2007
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    IMDb Member
    17 years


Gran Torino

Fantastic Film
At first when I saw Gran Torino advertised I didn't really fancy it. I thought Clint Eastwood was too old and it would surly be rubbish film just for the sake of pushing out another one.

Boy was I wrong. Its an absolutely fantastic film. Clint plays an ex-soldier living in a rundown neighbourhood, which is slowly getting taken over by minorities. He first comes over as a jerk however you begin to realise its how he grew up, and begins to change his way through out the movie.

I wont say much else, but if your looking for a good film, with paced action and a decent story line which is believable then this is the film for you.

Grizzly Park

Grizzly Park, what a name.
So the film, a group of teenagers are sent away for a few nights camping with Ranger Bob. For some reason at the beginning there's a murder for no apparent reason but that fault is soon corrected. Basically if your looking for a not so great horror and fancy something simple to watch this is for you. Some parts were decent(Half dressed girls/ blokes, you decide what you like). The film seems to be called grizzly park due to the rampant crazy animals that are running about. Some of the characters are completely stupid, such as the White Supremist who is the most untough guy in the film, and the black from the "hood" who dresses like a choir boy.

Is an OK watch but nothing special.

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