Reviews (37)

  • What can I say the ending of Season 3 of Barry was phenomenal, top of the line tv, rejuvenated me. This first episode felt like a cooldown, it was slow, very bleak but it set everything up for what could be a satisfying finale.

    Things did feel different from the jump, I was slightly disappointed with what I was seeing. I wouldn't say I was entertained by this episode, it was just a set up. It had me thinking the show would have ended perfectly at the end of Season 3.

    I wanted more from this but as usual I expect Barry to pick up later in the season like previous years. Gene, Barry, Fuches and Sally have all evolved so much and are so much different than the people they were in Season 1.

    This is still the most overlooked show on tv, it makes me feel like Im watching old days of quality television.
  • The season was really strong overall with as usual a solid performance from Jon Bernthal, he's become very reliable and a surprisingly killer effort from Rosie O Donnel. The story was fun, dark, moody, bold, sad but also fun and exhilarating. Lizzie Brochere is phenomenal as Isabelle, so intriguing, sexy, dangerous and Wayne Brady surprisingly is believable as a male escort - love the dude.

    It feels like they ran out of story for the finale, half of the episode felt like a recap, flash backs galore, the pacing was horrible with very little happening and when it does its so underwhelming Im already thinking about what Im binging next.

    They did not leave me excited or even expecting a Season 2 with how weak this ended. Props to the cast for awesome performances but the ball was dropped for this finale.
  • Might be the best episode of Season 2. Chucky has never been this damn entertaining, people working on the show deserve a hand. The first season started with a blast and kind of limped towards the end, the opposite is happening here. Its gaining momentum as the season slowly moves along showing us a glimpse of a very original wild Chucky storyline that I can't wait to see unfold. The show is at its best when Chucky is on screen so giving us many different ones was a great call. The show loses a little steam when Tiffanys storyline comes on but its just because Chucky and Jakes is so freaking intriguing.

    Good Chucky is simply incredible, showcases his humor and has a great fight in this vs gym bro Chucky. Must see for Childs Play, Chucky fans.
  • Solid although predictable finale that ends leaving you wanting more with the same questions still unanswered. Katja Herbers is the queen of streaming, arguably the best woman on TV right now.

    Keep seeing this same complaint about the kids and Im tired of it. The four children on the show all talk at once so they can receive some dialogue. It would take too long for Kristin to talk to each every episode - some of y'all need to get over it! The kids are funny, charming and cute.
  • If you are of a certain age sitting through The Gray Man will make your hair start to turn that shade of gray we all are afraid of. From the get go you can tell you are going to be in for another mediocre flick (hopefully) from Netflix that is filmed like a television show. The script feels like it was written by an amateur featuring a story & dialogue that leaves no impact and provides little character development. Not even cool Ryan Gosling, charismatic Chris Evans, the OG Billy Bob and the charming Ana de Armas can save this mess. What drew a lot of us in are these actors because we know how damn good they can be. It feels like arguably their worst work to date. A lot of the blame has to be put on Netflix and the putrid script.

    For a cast with such strong resumes its hard to buy them as their characters. Like a lot of people I'm a fan of Goslings work from early in his career (Blue Valentine, Drive, Half Nelson etc) but he is not very believable here as Six. The action scenes with him are chaotic, hectic and feel choreographed too much. His movements are far from fluid or smooth. Ryan doesn't look invested in this one like some of his other work. Chris Evans is another very strong actor but he has very little to work with here as well. Character of Lloyd is often too comical to take serious and you know he won't pull the trigger when he has the chance. If you give Evans the right lines with a strong character he can deliver well that is not in the cards here. He almost is so perfect at the good guy role he's hard to buy as the villain, wonder how this movie would have played out if Evans and Gosling switched roles? Just an idea but anything sounds like an improvement to me right now. We do see some fire from Billy Bob Thornton who can still deliver with the best of them but its nothing spectacular. Wish we would have learned more about Ana de Armas in this movie but we had to rush to some other random part of the globe every 7 minutes.

    Most of the performances are all just okay, fine - maybe that should be Netflix's motto. All border on okay, fine except Carmichael (Rege Jean Page) and Suzanne (Jessica Henwick) who come off as miscast and made me lost interest every time they popped up. The performances from those two were really really bad, not going to sugarcoat it.

    Highlight of the cast was Julia Butters who steals the show again from an A lister. Been wanting to see more from her since the killer performance in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. Wish the rest of the cast brought this kind of effort.

    The action is so ridiculously over the top it will take you right out of the movie. It also doesn't help that the CGI looks like something out of an old last generation video game. Theirs a sequence early on with Gosling on a plane that is so silly it made me question why in the hell am I still watching this? The low stake, video game looking lame by the numbers no threat action makes you appreciate movies with high quality real looking action like Top Gun : Maverick. Again for the budget why is the production value so low? A lot of us seem to believe the Russo brothers can do better than this - can they? This 5 hour energy fueled quick cut action style thats dimly lit just left me feeling pissed off. Was anyone on their A game here? It has become obvious actors know Netflix is an easy pay day requiring minimal work that usually leads to mediocre at best final projects.

    Its hard to notice this 200 million budget that Netflix is flexing about - did it all go to Evans, Gosling, Billy and Ana?

    Netflix can do better. They need to take a hard long look at how they make movies and reevaluate some things! These soulless, mediocre films with no energy are embarrassing when you think about the budgets. The studio executives, producers at Netflix need to step it up. If you put this film in the hands of a capable studio & tweaked the script it would undoubtedly be a better time.
  • By far the best episode of the show so far. At times it felt like a True Detective episode, production quality is great. Phenomenal tense scene between Joe and The Father early on that was really impressive. The shootout was top notch & fun to watch. This show is very underrated - Zahn deserves some award recognition.
  • First off Zac Efron is so bad in this it comes across as funny. The highlight of the film is the young Firestarter, wish we would have seen more of the bad ass version we saw at the end. For a movie called Firestarter, the fires look really underwhelming, weak. Go watch Only The Brave - now thats a movie! Well back to the movie. Often felt like a weaker version of Brightburn if you know that flick, another Blumhouse classic. Are they doing every horror flick? Jeez. The score in this movie is surprisingly solid but I did see Carpenters name attached so that adds up.

    Its a Blumhouse produced flick so you know what to expect. They usually end up being an okay that's not bad entertaining enough horror flick. Not great but not terrible either which is the case here. Its a silly mix of horror, thrills, action and bad acting that adds up to a mediocre 5.

    This would be a great movie to watch after some cocktails with your significant other at home. The bad acting ends up being even more funny.
  • Contender for best episode of Season two, this one comes across more like a mix of comedy and action. One the craziest episodes of the season and thats saying something. Jesse and his underground church group have great chemistry, have been hilarious. BJ sneakily stealing scenes this season and continues his wacky offbeat but normal compared to Judys behavior here in comical ways. Who the hell are these Ninja Bikers?

    Everything in this episode is top notch showing what HBO can deliver when they bring it. The lighting, direction, dialogue and set pieces really stand out in this episode.

    Not many comedy shows are on this level.
  • Very good special from HBO. This is a look at the life and career of Terry Bradshaw told by the man himself. He's the show here - telling stories, opening up about issues, talking the highs, the lows while also singing and telling jokes on stage. Surprisingly emotional, powerful at times when Terry opens up about things. Surprised to see low ratings.
  • Scream 5 is all I can ask from a Scream film in 2022. If you are expecting the wheel to be reinvented here, something groundbreaking you might be let down. This is a Scream movie and it follows the same pattern as the first four. It feels like a tribute to Wes and in particular the original Scream. We all come for Ghostface and he doesn't disappoint here. This movie features some of the most over the top brutal kills in the franchise. He is indeed ruthless, not just an overreaction from fans. Chatter about the state of horror is at an all time high here, really will please fans of the genre. Just like the original, the beginning and ending are the star here. Tried to keep it very spoiler free or even mention how characters are.

    Pros/Cons below

    Pros - Features a ruthless Ghostface. Some of the most violent kills in the franchise, a few new unique kills. Touches on the current state of horror better than maybe all of them. Film feels like a tribute to Wes, you can feel the Directors love for his work. Just the right amount of Dewey, Gale and Sid. Serious vibe at times Strong script

    Cons - Questionable acting at times. Pacing issues in middle. Some of the young cast is better than others. Humor not as good as 1-4. Not as fun as Craven/Williamson's

    After letting the movie wash over me for a while I am pretty impressed. I am putting it above Part 4 right now which has gotten worse to me in repeat viewings. If the franchise ended here, it would go out on a high note. This is a movie that you want to watch again to catch all the lines. It sure feels like one that could get better with time. 7.5/10.
  • If you have seen Adam McKays movies like Vice, Big Short you know what you are getting into. His imprint is all over this one, hate or love his style.

    This film feels like a directors cut you see on Blu Ray with all the deleted scenes included. The second half of this film drags quite a bit with scenes that could have been cut for a smoother runtime.

    Jonah Hill was hilarious, so was Meryl Streep. They provide some funny moments throughout. Near the end of the film for 5 minutes it turns into an Ariana Grande concert. Felt very odd, unnecessary. Timothee Chamalet was completely wasted in the movie.

  • As a huge DMX fan this doc made me more sad than happy. To me after Pac and Big left the scene this man took the reign for hardcore rap, delivering some of the best storytelling in the game. You believed what he said, it felt real, you could feel his pain. He was the man when I was growing up as a teen and it was easy to see why. Earl Simmons had it all.

    This is not a documentary celebrating Earls best moments, this is a sad, depressing look at the end of his life. From the get go you can feel something is off with him mentally at this point in his life. You can tell inside the dog is hurting but he still has fight. Even witness some behavior that feels cringeworthy. This doc had me shedding tears the whole time. To me like watching a friend deteriorate before your eyes.

    I would rather listen to Flesh Of My Flesh, Blood Of My Blood or a more recent post humous album Exodus to celebrate the man, the myth, the dog.
  • Show gets back on track in the funny department with episode 4. Felt like the second and third episode were mediocre Curb eps especially compared to the opener but this ep delivers the goods.

    So many things going on from the watermelon, pirates booty to a not so bad Klansman as Larry says. This ep felt like everything Curb can be when its right, everything clicked well.

    The banter between Vaughn and David can be great and it shines here, hope we see more of it in awkward scenarios. It felt like Larry was playing George and Vince was Jerry tonight.

    More stuff like this, less Young Larry and Maria Sofia Estrada.
  • Show has transformed from Gina donating a kidney to Drew to Gina now running a retirement home while Drew falls in love with his donor. The changes are mostly positive, the veteran actors like Jane Seymour help keep things funny and fresh. Annaleigh continues to give her all, the voices, energy, charisma comes off great on screen.

    The show is nothing to write home about but its an easy entertaining watch that blends comedy and drama like a lot of Lorres productions.

    This episode gets things going in the right direction.
  • This is a generic predictable I used to be a hitman action flick. This is not John Wick or The Equalizer, far from it in fact. I feel like the trailer was better than the flick, which really had me wanting to see it.

    The pacing is really off, things happen way too quickly and feel out of place at times. Things just randomly happen with no build up. Not much emotion is shown in the film. Things come way top easy for the good guys, everyone feels safe with no real threat around any corner. The villain is not anything to write home about.

    Love Better Call Saul and action films but this one is overrated on IMDB. Check your expectations at the door.
  • Malek showed no emotion, screen presence or energy in this film. Was not believable as a detective and acted like no person with a pulse does. The film is extremely disappointing, feels off from the word go. Chemistry between Malek and Denzel is very weak. Leto does the best work out of the three, but its nothing to write home about. He also walks around with an obvious fake gut, looks like he has a pillow under his shirt. No one brings their A game in this. This film is not compelling, engaging or satisfying. Below average detective film.
  • The show reminds me a little bit of Comedians In Cars With Coffee except with Stone Cold interviewing celebs, friends. Steve is great at these kind of fun interviews as we see on his podcast. Must see for SCSA fans. Shows hilarious, quick, easy view.
  • This is a solid crime that not many people are talking about. Most of you will know the lead actor (Daniel Zovatto) in the film as the dick boyfriend of Rocky in the movie Don't Breathe. The film is also full of strong veteran actors that we all know like Cathy Moriatry, Steven Bauer, David Proval and a little appearance from funnyman Tom Segura. Great to see Buddy Duress again, he stole the show in the movie Good Time in a classic scene, guy deserves more work. Tilda Cobham-Hervey steals the show in this one as Mia.

    The film has the smooth electronic 80s tunes that really can pull together scenes, as you can see the director was influenced by cult classic Drive. Can see he was influenced by crazy director Winding-Refn.

    It moves at a good pace, does not rush, or seem too slow. Performances are strong across the board, the cast was chosen wisely. Dialogue feels real, not too over the top, the plot is easy to follow with a nice twist you won't see coming a mile away.

    If you dig the crime genre, this is one to take a look at. This movie stuck with me for a few days after - which is always a great sign. Also feels like a movie that will get better with multiple views.

    Who knew a flick about a hitman who lives with his mother would be so compelling. You will think about the word Flinch differently after seeing this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Join the cast of one of the best sitcoms of all time for an emotional look down memory lane through the highs, lows and hilarious moments. The cast we loved from Bel Air all are back for a reunion that is perfectly done, in my opinion this was done better than any new season could have been.

    You see Will, Carlton, Our Two Aunt Vivs (Janet is terrific), Geoffrey, Ashley, Jeff all back in the environment they thrived in. We even get a nice appearance at the end from Nicky. You cannot talk about the show without mentioning the rock, the foundation Mr James Avery. The tribute to the beloved Phillip Banks is very emotional and the cast really tells us how much he meant to the show. What a legend.

    Its great to see the cast back on the set shooting the breeze, remembering the finest moments, cracking on each other. The interviews, stories are interesting and give a lot of us fans something new to talk about.

    Will and Janet finally meeting after an almost 30 year feud is a memorable moment, you can see how Janet was effected by what happened on the show. She did not hold back, hashed things out with Will in what felt like a genuine moment that will be adored by Fresh fans.

    This is how legendary sitcoms should come back. Bring the tissues because this one will get you emotional like Wills father leaving.
  • Love Anna and what she did on the show for the first seven seasons, she was tremendous, but this show still is very entertaining without her. The last season she wasn't the main focus as the first few seasons, the shows ensemble cast has really grown into something impressive.

    People are mad because this episode mixes in dramatic real life situations with comedy must be new to the show. Mom has always been able to blend these two perfectly and it happens again here. Allison Janney and the crew look primed to deliver another great season. This is one of the best sitcoms on TV, and one of my favorite of all time.

    Marjorie was savage with that pillow, all I have to say to end things.
  • This movie is not Harsh Times, End of Watch but its also not a 4. If you like crime movies like the ones I mentioned you will be fine with this. Not going to blow you away but not many new movies hitting VOD in 2020 are this good.

    The majority of people are saying this movie is terrible because Shia is in it. If anyone really watched this they know he's not the lead, Bobby Soto is, and he is not doing brownface.
  • If you are a cinephile like me you have been waiting for the Irishman to be released for a very long time, even wondering if it will ever see the light of day. Big studios passed on it over and over again, as it seems not many studios are willing to make these kind of films any more. Netflix swooped in like a White Knight to save the day backing the Scorsese lead film with a 170 million dollar budget. With a budget like this, a legendary cast, one of the best directors of all time, expectations were higher than usual.

    The Irishman is the story of Frank The "Irishman" Sheeran, a mob hitman who recalls his possible involvement in the murder of James Hoffa. Sheeran is played by Robert DeNiro who delivers one of his best performances lately, however that is not saying much if you follow Roberts career lately. He is my favorite actor of all time, but even I admit he has made some strange film choices the last 10-20 years. We are let into Sheerans world immediately, narrated by Robert himself, and shows his dealings with the mob, James Hoffa and everything along the way. This story is very fascinating, interesting and needed to be told.

    I will start with the pros for this film. First off, I have to praise Al Pacino's performance as James Hoffa, he shines every time he's on screen, firing on all cylinders with no signs of slowing down which is amazing for someone 79 years old. I did not expect Al to steal the film, I expected Pesci to be that guy based on past success in Goodfellas and Casino. It was also such a joy to see Pesci, DeNiro together on screen again, any film fan has to appreciate what these men have done in the business. I do not know many better. Stephen Graham as Anthony Pro shines in this film, goes toe to toe with heavyweight actors with ease, really impressed by him, excited to see his future work. The scene when Pro shows up late to meet with Hoffa and Frank is one the highlights of this movie.

    It is so rare to get a film like this made nowadays, we all know what is popular and these type of crime drama slow burns are not. We really should savor these, push studios to take risks by making them as well. A good amount of viewers only know about Hoffas disappearance, me included, this film fixes that, as we learn a lot about Hoffa. He is portrayed as a larger than life character, a perfect match for Pacino.

    Now that the pros are out of the way, let's go to the cons. This film runs 3 hr 30 mins and you feel it, it's almost impossible not to feel the run time when it's that long. I really believe they could of edited out 30 mins of this and had a tighter, crisper film but who am I to nitpick the best director of all time. This movie felt like it would of been better suited as a mini-series. You really have to be a patient person to be able to sit through this in one sitting, a big movie fan. I am worried a good bit of Netflixs customers will not finish it, or have to watch it in 60 minute slices.

    So the run time is a serious issue, that was to be expected, a big surprise to me was this movie contained no music to get things going, a sense of dread hung over the film throughout. Things do take a long time to get going, with the run time this is to be expected, do not expect a bang out the gate or Hoffa early. This is the definition of slow burn. If you are expecting this film to be as engaging, entertaining as Martin's Goofellas, Casino, Departed, Wolf of Wall Street you will be severely disappointed. Those movies are four of the best of all time, some of Martins best from work last 30 years, hard to be touched by anyone in film. It simply is not as fun as those, not close.

    If this movie was made in say 2005, I really think we could of gotten something a lot different, and I am saying that because of the age of DeNiro, Pesci, Pacino, Kietel etc. DeNiro's fighting scenes looked hard to capture at his age, looked to be not be moving very well, we can't expect Robert to be like the guy in Heat though at almost 75. If Martin would of used younger actors more in this film, say a Matt Damon or Leo, and saved DeNiro for big scenes, limiting his vulnerability, he would of made more of a impact.

    Bottom line - Do not go in expecting a masterpiece like Goodfellas, Casino. Do not be worried about the de-aging ruining things, it is not very noticeable, well done. Make sure you have some energy as well before this, take that extra shot of espresso if you have to. It hurts me to say this but I left the theater very disappointed, thinking of watching Goodfellas to erase the memory of this quickly. I think a lot of people are reviewing this based on sentimentality, the love of Scorsese, I am just reviewing the film. Happy Netflix stepped up the plate for this, gave me one more chance to see my hero's on screen, but just like any star athlete past his prime, it's time for my hero's to hang it up for good. It hurts me to say this.

  • This is not Endgame so please stop comparing this to it, giving it low scores because you liked that better.

    Ive seen every XMen flick to date and this one is on par with most and superior to Apocalypse.

    The mood is dark, serious, moody no Marvel kiddie jokes every 5 mins. Action is top notch.

    Magneto needs his own film.
  • Must see for Conjuring fans, Annabelle 3 delivered - this is the best flick from the doll yet. They really ramp up the ridiculousness and let Annabelle be a little more active.

    This is a Conjuring 2.5. Vera and Pat are featured, the scares are there, the noises that go bump in the night, good young characters dealing with more than demons, quality production as usual from the best horror franchise in 2019.

    This was superior to the Childs Play re-imagining to me as expected.

  • If you were a fan of the original Godzilla from 2014 and were pumped to see this you are going to be very disappointed. The first film I call Godzilla in 2014 and it had everything you could want in a Godzilla to me, great Godzilla action, awesome enemies, great effects and characters that were panicking all wound together to produce a great story and spectacular movie led by a great Bryan Cranston and a solid Olsen and Taylor-Johnson.

    The trailers for this movie were very good, intriguing, fun and had me excited for this one. I mean it looked like the first Godzilla with more enemies and bigger stakes. However this film suffers from sequilitis and really struggles to deliver a solid story, delivers nothing but average acting, an unbelievable plot and even average special effects compared to the 2014 version. They tried to do too much and they paid for it, the director had a great reason for not showing too much Godzilla and used him wisely in Godzilla. Edwards knew what worked, this guy does not.

    Bottom line. The plot is terrible, the acting is very average, characters you do not care about at all and the effects and monster action is underwhelming.

    Avoid this one. Shin Godzilla and Edwards 2014 Godzilla own this.

    5 years and we got this.
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