
IMDb member since January 2022
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Okay, what is going on?
First off, the intro was too long, zooming up into a huge space ship thing for like 5 minutes. There was zero explanation on the story plot. The black woman shown in the first scene..bad acting and not directed properly. What's up with her freakin teleporting everywhere? Lol. And when Jason kissed her, I don't know what the hell happened. I thought she was gonna turn into some bug or something. But before she exploded, she tore off her nail? I'm confused. Going further into the movie, these other people are walking around (bad acting!), And I'm still sitting here confused of what's going on. There's a techy screen that hovers over the people's face, and the camera is literally sitting there in front of them for too freakin long. It's crazy how they decide to take out the black people first lol. The CGI sucks. They have Jason talking way too much on the computer screen which makes the movie even worse. Remember the "this little piggy" scene... I laughed in amusement and cringed at the same time. He needs three "piggy's" to attack Kaida and all he does is awkwardly jab her with a taser of some sort. Then towards the end, Kaida is fighting Jason again and gets stabbed, then all of a sudden, all for her companions pop up to help her? What's up with the extra gore? Yea, you see it's already a bad movie, so you make it even worse with unecessary brutality. And the extra sexual scenes are idiotic to add, another unecessary scene. Then Kaida is turned into the next CGI computer lady or whatever.

I don't know, I know Jason Momoa was doing Game Of Thrones as he did this movie, so that makes up for this. Still, they're all great actors individually and great people. It's just this movie itself. Anyway, I got this from Dollar Tree 💀 definitely my mistake (~_~;). I also got Vehicle 19 from Dollar Tree, too, which I also made a review on... Big mistake.

Vehicle 19

This movie left my eyeballs roasted like damn volcanoes.
Okay... first off, the camera is all over Michael's face, zoomed up leaving me confused on what's going on. He talks on the phone too long, dragging out the conversation with unnecessary convo. Then, as he's still driving around, he almost hits like 3 people; first a freakin blind guy casually walking across a street with cars zooming through like he was taking a stroll in the park. And his temper is super cringey for no reason, and he's bipolar. No wonder his girl doesn't want him. He's reckless, ending up getting the hostage woman shot; he's literally stupid and naive, being a white guy alone driving around in another country, believing a suspicious man through a phone that was found in the glove compartment of a car with a gun and kidnapped woman in the trunk. He's gullible and literally dumb. He doesn't listen when people tell him not to do something that'll get him killed. It's a flop and doesn't give Paul Walker any justice at all. I was just shamefully watching this movie, laughing at the total stupidity that I'm witnessing. It was interesting how Michael put the recording on the mic, that was good.

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