
IMDb member since January 2022
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Yes filmed/videod well.
All in all not bad. It has a few clasdic things in it. The best being an Oldsmobile Delta 88. I would think most schlock fabs get the send up or trope. 449 more to go...good editing and continuity. The cast again like some other shlock fest movies gave a good performance and not a walk through. I do not need to list any of those movies...you know it when you see it. So I think its worth a trundle through...you can always fast forward... It is a good movie for a movie making class to watch. It was done well and not over the top. Sometimes movies go in for the shock or sleeze but thus one gets it about as...end if 600 charactres.

Bigfoot's Wild Weekend

Yes a 5!
No spoilers...just 600 charectors. Yikes!

The main reason for the review is I stayed at the motel in the movie. It was a nice stay. I did some water utility work down the road and could park my big rig and have a meal or two. I know this is a movie review. I do not remember a gentlemans club near by. Anyway not really a bad movie. They filmed/taped enough for decent contunuity and very good outdoor scenes...lighting and blocking wise. Another note of trivia the motel was near one on the Yosemite entrances. The fun of this type of movie is how the cast really puts effort in the roles they play...not just a walk through. Not a disapointment.


No toilet papers was wasted for this schlock fest.
When you watch movies like this you can not expect much; disappointment will surely follow. Full Moon productions are z movies but with a surprise. The actors really do buy into what ever schlock there are in. Schlock is a compliment. The filming and editing seem to work out most if the time...keep the vid cam rolling. So to this movie...it has all you would want in a Full Moon movie...monsters... a sapphic scene...cheesy dialogue...I hope you get the Full Moon picture. 126 more characters to go. So watch on a free stream...I can see asking for a refund if you rented it...but you did rent and watch it....🤔. Have fun as always folks!

El teacher

Fun movie...how can we get all the Yahayra movies?
Yahayra puts out fun movies. I will end up learning more spanish langue because of the movies they make. Somehow the movies are amusing and fun to watch. While they are listed as Spanish movies...i.e. Made in Espana...they are from Mexico. As with all foriegn move the geographical location can be a side bar sight seeing adventure. Sometimes it is shot in studio. They love the female form in all its beauty. Boy 600 charecters...really. El Teacher is pretty funny. I learned a few new slang words for people and body parts of females. LOL! Could I be critical of El Teacher...not really as with all Yahayra movies there is a element of fun.

Things 5

Pay attention to the pre-movie disclsimer...lol
All in all an ok movie. It is the first Sterling movie I have run across. The acting was not wooden. The story fit with the day in a life of a "research lab" gone mad monster. The victums played dead great. I gotta a kick out of the open jog scene. The gore was appropriate. The intimate scenes were gratuitous as advertised but they fit in. I did like all the boob action. Stick around for the end credits...worth it. The movie never dragged...nor were there any obvious editing drops that would be incontinous. I have watched alot of schlock movies but this one was better than expected. I get it might not be everyones cup of tea.

Superstarlet A.D.

1970s Schlock fun fest...made in 2000!
Its in the Troma library that should be your first clue its not mainstream bad. This review is after covid lock down and one bad prez; not a bad movie. It reminds me of fishing...you have a bite of the plot...then it spits the plot hook. This movie would fit in with the wild Times Square hey day. Better than most BW avant guard flicks. 600 hundred characters is alot for this almost nudey cutie. Hey they even mention nudey cuties. LOL Throw in a a little basement bdsm and men in make up...its a hoot. All in all its a send up of good old fashion high faluten nonsensical black and white story telling celluloid.

Cuatro desertores

If you like the genre enjoy... other than that kinda dull.
1970s kitsch at its B movie best. When the director yelled action...he got an undynamic result from actors. Not a bad movie just flat. Great locations though.


Worth the watch.
More gore than horror. I thought it was ok. Good film technically. Good editing...just a very strange story. I could see finding some more info on content and watching again.

Gefangene Frauen

It is worth a watch. I mean it is schlock and sleeze.
Yes it is trashy...but the women in this movie are delightful. They pulled alot out of a z movie budget. Great colors, back drops and the framing was good. I would take this type of movie over any modern block borester movie any day. I mean a nude woman pushing a wheel barrow full of rocks....that action!

The Oblongs...

Wake up USA viewing public...great show!
I looked for the creative minds of the cartoonists that brought us Bugs and Co.. I thought it was a cartoon to compare to... no other. If I were to limb out...maybe Ahh real monsters...

Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands

Maybe Thrones light is decent.
Easy macgaffin. Nice horsemanship. Livable costumes. Great back drops outside. Yes it is campy. I enjoyed the casts output. How does the ocean break opposite on a spit?

Evil Toons

I have seen worser...
Yes therr are breasts; the actors arr not eooden though. It is a fun and not terrible movie. I gave it a seven bacause it is not a four...just watch it for fun and goofs...

Chikubi ni piasu o shita onna

Spot on for Dom sub relationship
A believable plot. Bdsm does not always involve sex. It can be an agreed upon element of play but not the end result of bdsm. The set designs or locations are great. It is a creative film.

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