
IMDb member since February 2022
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 7 months


Modern Marvels

From GREAT to ATE.
I am so thankful to finally find other people expressing their opinions about the new Modern Marvels and Adam Richman. He's terrible as a host. The show does not need a host. This was one of the most informative and intelligent shows I have ever watched, and then Adams reign came in. Every episode initially was about food. When did food become the only Marvel in existence? Finally he branched out to tools, toys and games, and while that was somewhat better, he is still terrible as a host. At least he didn't taste the GI Joe. Please return this outstanding show to its original format, and go back to whoever used to write in the intelligence of the show, and hopefully save it. It is a travesty what you have allowed this show to become.

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