
IMDb member since February 2022
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Always Sometimes Monsters

Dont say"This is a RPG Maker game so this is a broing!"
Pros +Characters +Plot +Long gameplay +Pixelated graphics +Personal character

Cons -Bugs -Unnecessary unnecessary choices -Minimal language selection -The task system is complicated -Few endings according to the story game

Allways Sometimes Monsters is a finished RPG MAKER story game. The game does not promise you a lot of content (action, adventure, etc.), but it promises a lot of stories.

This game, in which we spent a lot of time, affected us well.

We give 8 points to this game.

Alpha Protocol

Not Bad Agent
Pros +Story +Choices +Long gameplay +Characters +Multiple game endings +Good voice acting +Privacy +Hacker +Character development

Minus -Too many bugs -Late loaded texturs -Boring main character -Failed animation -Gameplay with weapons

In short, Alpha Protocol is not a completely finished game, there are a lot of shortcomings, but they are not very noticeable.

The game has a system that allows you to harejet as you want, but this does not apply to most episodes.

But the game is not in a position to be played. Good characters tasks and choices bind you to the game.

Alpha Protocol gets 7 points from us.

Life Is Strange

An Inflated Balloon
Pros An interesting plot Playing with reality More choice chances Music

Cons Storytelling characters an unsatisfying ending burgs game graphics gameplay

Who can sweat?

Those who have free time,those who like interactive story games and those who do not declare new jobs at Telltale. Listen to the hipster story or play rebels.

Who should stay away.

Those who want a satisfying story,Those who want to play selective games that affect the story. Telltale is for those who want to play a better game than their old jobs.

In short, Life is Strange is a bad game. It is a game even lower than its altarpieces.

It's also even worse than the story choices of Call Of Duty Black Ops, which is not an interactive story

Life is Strange 4 Points from us.

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