
IMDb member since April 2007
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Welcome II the Terrordome

Overlooked film at the time -Worthy of Reconsideration
Just saw this this movie as part of my cinema studies class. Very much a film ahead of its time. This probably accounts for some of the negative reviews it got back in the day. With hindsight it makes so much sense. The cinematography by Alwin Kuchler is outstanding. And it brings to mind the look and feel of Blade Runner. Sometimes, it's hard to like, but I just can't stop thinking about it. It's very visceral,visual and urgent. In the context of current events now it's a film worth your time to reconsider. Great, if dated soundtrack. Director Onwurah's look at the subject of race is unblinking - Makes a change from all the bland African-American films that are out there now. Go see it if you can.

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