
IMDb member since February 2022
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    2 years, 4 months


Little Demon

2 edgy 4 U
The show focuses so much on trying to offend and shock the audience it forgets to do anything else. Not to mention the animation is crap. Any "action" scenese are so quick and hard to follow since the frames are so blurry. Every fight has so much excessive cartoon gore that after awhile it turns into a red blob of death that you don't care about. The edge factor is clearly a marketing scheme and an uncreative one at that. The paying is totally awful as well, with the plot fully stopping for extended bits about putting things up their butt, or putting things up their vagina, or if they're feeling REAL creative, putting things up their dickhole. It's like watching brickleberry with demons and gore.

Forged in Fire: Knife or Death

Sexism Brings it Down
The contest itself is purposely built so that taller, larger people will have an easier win. The judges regularly remark how women or small men have extra challenges and that it's unfair, but nothing changes. The white judge is very angry and seems to not be having any fun except when women fail at the game. He really brings the show down.


Ghosties and Goblins
The whole show is trying so hard to be original and edgy. It constantly pokes fun at itself but it's just annoying. I'm personally sick of kids with mental health issues being used as a story pawn and I'm even more tired of the edgy, devil may care attitude protagonist. It's mostly cringe wish fulfillment for men who want to pretend to be a cool, snappy MC. The show is tired and the nonstop back and forth between the siblings feels like a contest of wits from the writers and not genuine dialogue. If you like crap like Sabrina the teenage witch or Supernatural you might like this garbage.

Thor: Tales of Asgard

Weird race metaphor aside...
I felt this movie pretty passable as a person who isn't a fan of Thor or the Marvel franchise in general. The tone balanced mature themes and characters well with an arrogant lead and a younger target audience. I felt the pacing was good and it wasn't predictably boring.

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