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Hunter x Hunter: Magic × to × Destroy
Episode 130, Season 1

Here we go..
This episode is just chilling. Even though we kinda already knew Kite was dead, seeing Gon's reaction to the news was phenomenal. The life that drains out of Gon's eyes and then him switching from guilt, rage, and denial. It's one of my favorite moments in the entire show. Of course... we know what this leads up to. This doesn't hold a candle to the next episode but both are 10s nonetheless. (Don't take ratings too seriously, it's one of the worst things about this website tbh)

Hunter x Hunter: Victor × and × Loser
Episode 74, Season 1

Peak of Greed Island
The entirety of Greed Island isn't bad or anything but it's definitely the weakest Arc in the anime. It doesn't feel video game-y enough, the whole system with cards can get confusing, and the new characters (besides Biscuit) aren't really that engaging. That being said I love this show so it's still an enjoyable arc with some really great moments, and this episode is the best in the arc. The fight scene between Genthru and Gon is honestly pretty thrilling despite how boring The Bombers are, and the payoff is rewarding and just nice to see. At this point in the show it's just so great to see how much growth Gon has gone through, and this episode encapsulates that perfectly.

Hunter x Hunter: A × Brutal × Battlefield
Episode 51, Season 1

Perfect characters. Perfect theme. Perfect development. Perfect tensity. Perfect and just cool Nen abilities. And absolutely PERFECT music. This episode is clearly just perfect all around, just further shows that the York New City Arc is up there with the Chimera Ant arc.

Ms. Marvel: Crushed
Episode 2, Season 1

Fun and engaging for people who aren't ignorant
Some of these reviews and the absurd amount of 1 star ratings are so unwarranted it's crazy. The show continues to spew artistic vision, and is such entertaining show overall. You can tell that the creators behind this really put their heart into it. If the show isn't your thing, that's fine. But even saying that this has any kind of "agenda" is just stupid and obviously biased, and in some cases even hateful.

Succession: DC
Episode 9, Season 2

THIS RIGHT HERE IS PEAK TELEVISION. The court room scenes are so well acted and are so tense even with humorous beats. Then of course the scene with Shiv just shows how badly she wants the top spot and how masterfully she is at manipulating. There are a ton of other things I can say about this brilliant episode. As of how this is easily my favorite... and apparently the next episode is even better.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part IV
Episode 4, Season 1

Has problems but not horrible.
This episode to me is still better than Episode 1 and 2 (the movies not the actually episodes of this series). They definitely didn't have to spend the whole episode on finding Leia and escaping, but the only thing I felt was bad about the episode was characters we have barely met coming to save the day. That was pretty stupid. The look and colors definitely pale in comparison to the other episodes so far too. I don't think it was Solo level of ugly or anything, but just kind of a standard look for Disney Star Wars in general. Oh yeah and one last thing, I didn't have a problem with the 3rd Sister in the past three episodes. I actually found her to be a pretty interesting villain. But in this episode, she was pretty boring. The more I write this review the more I realize the stuff I disliked about it but to be honest I still thought it was entertaining enough. I liked Leia a lot here, and Kenobi had a few redeeming moments for himself after being toyed with by Vader last episode. I am worried to with how this series is going, but for now this is the only episode that I don't really like.

Succession: Dundee
Episode 8, Season 2

Slow at first but it PICKED UP
[Edit: on rewatch this is the most underrated episode, I don't even think it's slow anymore. Just brilliant ride from front to back] First half of the episode was nice but a little slow paced. But the second-half is just packed with a ton of things to appreciate. First off, Kendall rapping is the cringiest thing I have ever seen but in such a delightful way. Shiv's plan rolling out to take down Rhea is brilliantly written and probably my favorite part of the entire episode. And as always, the dialogue is hilarious and engaging.

The Mandalorian: Chapter 6: The Prisoner
Episode 6, Season 1

Underrated and fun.
The set design is nostalgic and perfect. The characters are erratic and interesting. The plot is simple and fun. And especially, this episode does a very good job of just showing how much of a threat Mando actually is, how menacing he can be. It could be considered a filler episode but not all filler episodes are bad. Even if it doesn't move the plot forward a ton, it gives nice character development and is just such an entertaining episode. Definitely a major step up over the two before this.

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