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Dull, cheesy and lifeless
So my flatmate and I decided to watch this movie one night. It wasn't until I came to IMDb that I even realised the movie was made in 1998 - it looked SO dated, I would've easily believed it was late '80s to early '90s! Anyway, there was some confusion from the start after the couple pull off one of their shams and she (Maria) pounces on Greico's character and starts gyrating and (what we think must have been) having an orgasm. How this was achieved with clothes on, I'm not sure. It was ridiculous to watch, that's for sure.

The plot was weak and predictable but probably suited the equally weak acting as well.

The PI is terrible. Like another user said, a silly stereotype who does wear the dorky tweed hat throughout the film and is even named Holmes. Totally unoriginal character.

The acting was pretty bad and didn't set to improve throughout the movie. Maria Alonso played a good crazy woman, but I found her to be somewhat irritating too. Fiona Loewi reminded me of some kind of Courtney Cox/Alicia Silverstone hybrid - not a good mix.

All in all, I've lost moments of my life I shall never get back.

Two thumbs DOWN!

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Sweep me off my feet!
I went, I saw, I.... really needed to go to the toilet! Now I know why people said it takes a long time to get to the end. Once the One Ring was destroyed, I could have happily seen Sam and Frodo picked up by the eagles and then have the credits roll or something, but nooooo... 'twas not to be! The closing scenes of the film with Aragorn's coronation, the elves and Gandalf returning to the sea, Samwise with his family, it was all just too much for me, and I was relieved when finally the credits rolled and the cinema began to empty.

I loved the sweeping shot over the battle scene at Mina Tirith(sp) though, the oliphaunts were awesome, the mountain men, the lava at Mt Doom - there were so many things I loved that it outweighs anything I thought was a bit off.

Some of the CG seemed a bit rushed, but overall it was a fantastic movie which I know I'll enjoy more on the ext DVD where I can watch it in the comfort of my own home :) Excellent stuff! Highly recommended. The trilogy itself will probably never be matched or exceeded in its beauty, characters, acting, effects, and emotion.

Well worth the $13.50 to see it at the movies. Just don't take a drink with you.

Whale Rider

A lovely, moving, though sometimes stereotypical film
I wanted to see this movie when I heard about it because it had been compulsory in high school to read the book. Unfortunately I couldn't be bothered with the book and managed to wing my way through the assignments in our English class despite this. However, friends of mine who HAD actually read it enjoyed it very much and I wanted to see what, if anything, I had missed out on.

I saw this movie - Yes, I cried (like others in the movie theatre) but that could be attributed to having had all my wisdom teeth removed 2 days prior, and a close relative pass away the night before, so I won't say it was solely because of moving performances or inspiring storylines, but it was during Pai's speech at her school performance and it definitely made me feel upset.

The scenery was lovely, as are most beach settlements, but now and again some of the dialogue just seemed unnatural. It's a shame that the stereotype of small-town folk and Maori is that of playing Bingo, having an undeveloped obvious sense of humour, and smoking weed. But for the most part, actors made an effort to be relaxed and believable. Except for Hemi, who I found to be wooden and monotonous. That was just irritating.

Keisha Castle-Hughes was very very good, maybe because she could cry so well - and so much!

All in all i did enjoy it. It was a "nice" movie to go see and I recommend it to others. Despite its shortfalls in my eyes, I would still give this movie a 9 our of 10.

Sex: The Annabel Chong Story

A delusional and desperate person in an ultimately disappointing documentary attempt.
I got this out on DVD under the misled assumption that this was the story of a woman studying Gender Studies who, as part of her studies and for purposes of either research or a thesis, partook in a gang bang.


This was just a typical dirty slut who HAPPENED to also be studying at the same time. It was only about 10 minutes into the movie when I made the comment "Why does she speak so weird and jittery like she's drugged out?" and sure enough, she'd been a drug addict, too.

I don't think she is intelligent. I think the best description of her was made by one of her schoolteachers (I think it was a teacher) "Grace reminds me of an introvert. An introvert who is trying to be extroverted." and that about defines her.

One minute she's so proud in a "I don't give a f*** what anyone thinks of me" way and the next she is embarrassed, smiling falsely, crying and begging her mother for forgiveness.

It reminds me of a few similar dramas I've seen about innocent young women who get into porn for money, then become drug addicts and eventually kill themselves, only the quality of this doco is incredibly poor.

I would think more highly of her if I believed she was truly comfortable with the choices she has made - but I think there is constant evidence throughout this film that she is not.

Thir13en Ghosts

Yucky yet strangely familiar.
This movie was rather short (I went into the theatre at 5:10pm and came out at 6:30pm), but moved quickly.

Trapped in a glass house where spells (in Latin) are frosted on to all the walls to either allow or stop a ghost from passing, this movie echoed a similar plot to House on Haunted Hill in that big-house-gets-locked-down-and-trapped-people-must-find-a-way-to-battle-past-disgusting-violent-ghosts-to-find-their-way-out kinda thing.

The 12 ghosts of the Black Zodiac are horrifically presented through some amazing special effects, and to be honest, I did have trouble getting the vivid images out of my head later that night!

All-in-all I'm glad I saw it on the big screen as horror movies are never the same on video. If you liked what the creators of House on Haunted Hill gave you, then you're likely to enjoy their offerings this time around.

A Likeness in Stone

Dark, creepy, murder/mystery...
This series (shown as a 2-part series in NZ) was brilliant! The acting is performed well, but more than that, the story and the way in which it's told is fantastic.

Only minor bits of information, via each character's flashbacks, are revealed to the viewer throughout part one. We see how the guilt and the painful memory of the murder of their best friend/girlfriend/lover has affected their lives ten years later, and the panic and fear they feel when the case is reopened.

It's a well-thought-out adaption from a novel, and the performance delivered by each actor is brilliant. This is a wonderful story, dark and sinister as it may be, which kept me curious and alert to the end.

Monsters, Inc.

Cute and lighthearted.
I saw this movie with my boyfriend and while I appreciated the adorable nature of the characters, he marvelled over the "excellent animation blah blah blah".

I must say I loved the scene in the beginning where Sulley is sleeping, and as he breathes in and out the wispy strands of fur on his arm move back and forward... Love it when he gets covered in snow, too!

All in all, I found it entertaining. It's good to, now and then, see something you can just relax and watch rather than get caught up in subplots, suspicions, continuity errors, bad acting etc etc.

Good for kids and grownups, too.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

For the deviant within
I first saw this movie when I was 6 years old - no wonder I didn't quite find "The Sound of Music" so fabulous when I finally saw it!

I never understood everything in the movie as I was growing up, but when I finally saw it again at the age of 16 (after about a 5 or 6 year gap) I realised all the sexual innuendo and was somewhat stunned to think I'd never really noticed it before!

I loved this movie when I first saw it, and I still love it now. Yes, in some ways (without me realising until recently) it has impacted on my adult life, and it represents fun, flirting, friskiness and great times to me.

Not for everyone, and I'm appalled to say 95% of the people I've met have NOT seen this movie... If you like it, you'll love it otherwise, well, guess you're just a little too picky and narrowminded!

Those who like the movie must attend participation evenings for this - it's awesome, and a good excuse for everyone to express their dirty side.

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