
IMDb member since March 2022
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The Dinner

Worth the trouble...
Those who trash the movie are missing the big picture. Parents are dealing with an issue that no one should ever have to deal with. They do it slowly, in a mostly somber manner. Emotions get out of hand, which is just like real life. The cast is terrific - Gere at his best as a father who is thinking of long term consequences instead of short term relief. Steve Coogan I've never seen him before. Is it hard to watch? Yes. Is it frustrating that at times they seem so close to doing the right thing, then get sidetracked - yep. It's an emotional roller-coaster that - apparently - a lot of viewers couldn't handle...their loss.

Five Minutes to Live

Li'l Ronnie Steals The Show!
Really bad start to this campy thriller - Johnny Cash as a maniac...? Yeah, kinda hard to watch.

I was just about to exit when Ronnie Howard showed up & schooled the adults - even the psycho killer.

There are a few clever twists and turns but these people need acting lessons...all except Ronnie Howard and the old dude in the bank who does some quick thinking during a tense scene. Oh, and the old lady...Priscilla - she was a great character actor in many television shows. She played her fuddy-duddy role very well.

Bet the bad adult actors were green with envy over this li'l dude's talent...go, Opie, go!

Perfect Strangers

Wonderful story and great message
Robert Donat and Deborah Kerr played their transitional roles so well. Watching them each grow - and realize gradually the other may also have grown - is done in a sweet and charming way. With Glenn's Johns to add a bit of zip, the cast is perfect. A movie to enjoy all over again every few years.

The Unfaithful

If it's wrong I don't wanna be right...
Yes 'The Letter' is iconic - one of Bette Davis's best - I actually like this one just as well. The terrific cast and resolution fit well with the post war issues many couples faced. Lew Ayers is fine as the family friend who learns more than he wants. Eve Arden steals the show - as usual. Zachary Scott and Ann Sheridan make a great couple. Wish they had teamed up more.

So Dark the Night

Quaint setting for a disturbing story...
Unlikely but compelling story with a good cast. Not typical 'noir' but with a bit of a stretch, it works. Love the charming setting...French countryside and the small village make you wish you were there.

Do Not Disturb

Not the beat but Doris and Rod rock...
Doris Day is always fun and her wardrobe, as usual, is to die for. The story is a bit unlikely but the lovely furniture shops - part of the story - they spend time in add charm. And, no one gets steaming mad cuter than Doris...ooooh!

Thunder Island

Short and sweet sleeper...
Gene Nelson did everything well. Very cool that his career overlapped Nicholson on some level. Still prefer to see Gene dance, but this is an entertaining little movie that prompted me to find more Gene Nelson movies...including some where we get to see his killer, athletic dancing style.

The Purple Hills

Dance, Gene, dance...
Great to see Gene Nelson in any movie but I would rather see him dance than shoot. An OK western 👌 Johanna Barnes played the wicked wanna be step-mom in the original Parent Trap. Will always see her as Haley Mills' nemesis.

Big Night

Talented cast makes it happen...
Tucci, Shaloub, Campbell Scott...and that's just for starters! Charming story about brotherly love and, oh yeah, you'll want to go for Italian food afterward - enjoy!

Johnny Eager

Heflin steals the show...
Well done movie about punks & the people who try to rehab them. Great cast - killer performances by all & Van Heflin deserved his oscar for this & so many other terrific roles. Does not disappoint.

Inside Straight

Soap opera with a heart....
Several people tell backstories about a heartless man. The final story, told by Shocker, reveals big things. Worth hanging in there thru some brutal behavior. The cast is great- Mercedes McCambridge never disappoints & David Brian should have made more movies. (A good- looking guy who could play a real meany.) The final scenes rock in surprising & heartfelt ways.

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