
IMDb member since March 2022
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    2 years, 3 months


Great Photo, Lovely Life

This is not a documentary..
..this is a gross representation of a family secret. The "filmmaker" is so self-involved that she has no idea or care for how she is re-traumatizing these victims. As a therapist, and a survivor for sex assault myself, I am actually livid at how cavalier this woman is digging up everyone else's past. In one of the final scenes, she seemingly begs her own mother to be angry about HER OWN trauma; I was in disbelief. This is not how to process generational trauma, particularly when it was someone else's experience.

Besides the true exploitation of the victims, this is a very poorly made documentary. The story peaks within the first few minutes, and the following 90 minutes are just the filmmakers own version of non-consent (impeding on victims life's with absolutely no care). Using victims for her own gain, and somehow without an ounce of compelling storytelling. Please watch Rewind instead- another documentary about a families generational sexual abuse, coincidentally also in the suburbs of PA, and actually well told and healing.


Please ignore reviews
I rarely if ever write reviews but I'm really taken aback by some of these reviews. This show is so well written, incredibly smart, and simply a delight to watch. The way they thought through how average people would utilize having powers is inspired. If you're looking for yet another superhero show without a plot or humor, then this isn't for you. But if you enjoy humor, smart writing, something unpredictable, and new, then this is for you! I feel as though people are so used to superpowers to mean action without any thought, concept, or acting, which may explain the other reviews. Enough Marvel, more of this!!

Please ignore the narrow-minded reviews and give this a watch!

Katrina Babies

What a gift this movie is to the people of Katrina, as well as those who only know this tragedy the way it was depicted on the news. I haven't been this moved by a movie in a very long time. The one negative is that it is only a movie and not a series. The director touches on so many crucial themes: community, trauma, childhood development, generational patterns, racism, classism, as well as our societies blindness to children's lived experience and emotions. I'm blown away by these stories and the resilience of the New Orleans community. Can't wait to see what this director does next.

Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber

I made an account to warn you about this show
I love JGL, I love Kyle Chandler. Even they couldn't save this show. I have literally never seen something so ill produced/directed/performed/written. I watch literally every thing on right now, and I can safely say that this is the worst tv show on currently, or even the past ten years. I actually couldn't believe how bad it was because it's THAT bad. Pleeeeease save your time and watch paint dry instead. Or Yellowjackets, a successful Showtime show.

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