
IMDb member since March 2022
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    2 years, 6 months


Fukrey 3

I recently watched "Fukrey 3," and I must say it was a major letdown. The film fails to capture the charm and humor of its predecessors. The storyline feels forced and lacks the freshness that made the first two movies enjoyable.

Additionally, the pacing of the movie is inconsistent, with some scenes dragging on while others feel rushed. The lack of cohesion in storytelling leaves the audience disconnected from the characters' journeys, making it challenging to invest in the outcome.

Overall, "Fukrey 3" fails to live up to the expectations set by its predecessors. It's a regrettable addition to the franchise that tarnishes the fond memories created by the earlier films. I would strongly advise fans of the series to manage their expectations before diving into this lackluster installment.

Goodnight Mommy

Well, Don't waste your time on this one. This film had a good premise. But the same has been completely destroyed by poor writing and execution. The main climax of the film has been exposed too early. From there on the film is not able to grasp your attention. Also there are many questions the answers of which have been left unanswered. The acting by two child actors is very good but we don't see much of Naomi Watts. This film should be avoided at all costs and any person should only watch this film if he wants to waste 2 hours of his time. The trailer of this film looked so promising but the film is so disappointing.

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