
IMDb member since April 2007
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Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

This is a good SW movie
First, I have no idea why so many people don't like this film. While I would say it's not as good as episode 7 or Rogue One, this is a fine addition to the SW series. I personally thought the story good, and (slight SPOILER COMING) adds a deeper level to the Jedi mythos, particularly in that they aren't the perfect people many believe. This movie promotes the underlying theme present in the greater SW universe: balance. Light and Dark live side-by-side, and always will.

Definitely worth seeing, definitely a good addition to the series.

The 5th Wave

Definitely worth the viewing
First, this seems to be a movie where the critics went into the film expecting to hate it, and so that's the movie they saw. Critics far too often think only of themselves, and not how the rest of us may view a film.

Second, seems like far too many viewers rely on critics to shape their own view, and so half the viewers hated it, too. This is unfortunate, as I recommend seeing this film. It remained true to the book, was well acted, and had a pacing that kept me engaged. I was unsure of how Moretz would do (didn't seem the Cassie type), but after a few minutes, she had me convinced. To those who say "they've seen this all before," then I'm sure they think all sci-fi is exactly the same, all horror is the same, etc. There is humor, tension, and excitement that is well worth seeing. This movie was far better than the last two Hunger Game installments, in my view.

Stargate: Atlantis: Vegas
Episode 19, Season 5

Wonderful episode
A classic of alternate realities. I can only imagine that if more people had watched this episode (actually, this whole season), the series would have continued. Definitely not a stand-alone episode, though. This requires watching the episode of Rodney and his sister (name escapes me) where they create the original reality bridge. In any case, an excellent exploration of Shepard and McKay's characters. Well worth the watching, and one of the best of any series' episodes of "playing with the storyline." Very sad the series ended after this. The writers/producers demonstrated the creative levels they could achieve in this story.

2012: Supernova

Do Not Watch This Movie
Sorry, just saw this despite it apparently coming out in 2009.

Okay, my warning said, let me try to explain some of why. The concept is a supernova that happened in the Lyra Constellation (that is crazy in itself, as a constellation is a group of stars that look near each other from our perspective, but in reality are no where near one another -- in other words, a constellation is not a place) and we somehow get two years warning. How? No explanation (a common fault in this movie). Pappa is one of the persons conceiving of the fix to place nukes in orbit and blow them up just before the blast wave comes, thereby creating a magical shield for the planet. Well, if we can get a two year warning, why not? Acting: awful. Science: awful. Accents (actors): really awful. Story: well, most of the story was unexplained within the script. Have you heard of Snappy the Squirrel (Animaniacs)? She had a line that is worth noting here: "Thank you, Mr. Exposition." This story did a lot of telling without ever showing. Don't drop a line to say something you could have shown us.

Another thing, if you've heard the term "Hang a lantern on it," this movie is a classic example. They would introduce ridiculous concepts and try to explain them away by saying it was a ridiculous concept (for example, two actors looking for a necklace they couldn't find, and they were looking in kitchen cabinets -- kitchen cabinets?. But that's okay as long as they mention they hid the necklace in an odd place, right?).

The script tossed in some timely but silly elements, as well. Terrorists who were completely unexplained as to why they were there. Pappa trying to drive off in a semi-truck, but only going about 100 feet before coming to a dead end (couldn't see that far ahead, dad?). Even the title itself: 2012 appeared only in the title, nowhere else in the script.

The wife and daughter were worthless, as well. They were driving from home to the air base where the husband was, and they had to drive about 50 miles, and they COULDN'T GET THERE IN THREE DAYS! At one point, the road was destroyed moments before, and somehow a road crew was able to put a sign up already that said "Road closed." One amazing department of transportation, there.

One possible good thing this movie could be used for: a drinking game. Every time the wife sighs, drink a shot. You'd be plastered before the first commercial break. Be forewarned: have several shot glasses for each person, because she doesn't give a lot of recharge time in some instances.

The writers did not know science, logic, or how to write a decent conversation. Do not watch this film. My girlfriend and I skimmed through the last portion of the movie, and we still want our time back.

Stonehenge Apocalypse

Above average SYFY movie
I was expecting the same 'ol SYFY, but instead found this to be above average for that network. The acting was fine -- sometimes actually good -- and the story was acceptable. They actually paid attention to small details as well, which added to the attraction. I was actually interested in most of the characters and wanted them to live; compare this to Princess of Mars where I wondered if there actually was a story, and didn't care if the characters disappeared.

Some reviews here bashed the story, but I can only ask: did you forget this is SYFY? It's science "fiction" -- science "fact" appears on the Science Channel, History, National Geographic, etc. This is a fine SYFY story, enjoyable, and fun.

Give it a shot.

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