
IMDb member since March 2022
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    2 years, 3 months


Act Your Age

The kids gotta go
I am loving this show so so much seeing all the lady's I grew up with in the 90s with.

But dam the daughter and sons story lines are so annoying and taking away from the otherwise amazing show with just the moms. The kids don't need a storyline they are there ok yes you told us now get them the hell out of the show they are dragging the show down. The story they have about the kids I don't care at all it's such crappy acting and they don't work well together so please in the 2nd season get rid of the kids and just stick with the mom roomies the 3 women can definitely hold the show all on there own. I'm sure a lot more people agree with me.

We're Here: Florida, Part 2
Episode 6, Season 3

Wow what a rollercoaster of emotions.
These last two episodes have for sure been pretty hard for me to watch and I'm sure a lot of people to watch this season has been quite a ride. I hate that where we are right now in this state of time we are in. Straight people just can't live unless they are battling someone or something. These episodes are filled with such amazing beautiful people i am so so blissfully happy this show exists for all of us. You 3 queens are everything we all love you more than you know and I personally hope to see so many more seasons of we're here we absolutely without a doubt need this show more now than ever.

The Neighborhood

I like it
I like it but I don't even have a sense of a gay character existing in this world so I see no tolerance in it that way so that's very unfortunate.

The other thing is it's very bland when it really doesn't need to be I would actually appreciate a little more swearing just a tinge get used to it it's never going away people. But anyways it should be more adult and longer episodes not so childish like.

The last thing is yes yes yes we all know your religious we don't need to hear about it I get why there is no gay people because black people in my many many many experiences are all mostly very homophobic and horrific towards the lgbtq community but I really would rather not have to listen to so much religious stuff I can take not seeing a character like me I mens surprise not really but anyways the religious I can't take so maybe for every viewer don't push your religion so much please other than that it's a good show and good actors.

House of the Dragon

So disappointed whyyy
Nothing but forced sex and murder is that all HBO can do I mean come on what the hell are we watching here I'll tell you it's the same thing hbo does over and over again no story and all rape and murder. Honestly I just can't even take these show's seriously if that's all they are I know humans are not idiots they know they are watching tape and murder but I just don't get why they think it's ok and why it entertains them to see such gross stuff and way over done stuff. Humans who make this do better and humans that watch this come on stop being idiots your literally watching something that's been done so very many times.

Patagonia: Life on the Edge of the World

Too many humans
Eh I'm so disappointed in the first episode I mean come on if I'm watching a show about the earth's creatures then I want to see them. Instead most of the show was seeing humans and non stop commercials so so many commercials it was so hard to enjoy the show I had such high hopes for. Again it's a nature show I don't want to see so many humans just the creatures and the stories of the creatures not the humans who are just in the way of the beauty of the show but what do you expect from CNN they are not exactly the best people to handle this kind of a masterpiece please leave it to discovery or nat geo wild the ones who know how to make a show that's supposed to be animals and omg no way actually make it more about the animals than the annoying humans do better CNN.


So cute
I love the 3rd and 4th episodes so much it's about time a show talks about these things the most important things in life to talk about love this show especially since it's actually teaching you something instead of whitewashing and straightwashing stuff like Hollywood always does.


No where near good as the original I only made it through most of the first episode and gave up what a huge let down if your going to name a show after another show you then make sure it's good and doesn't insult the original do better Hollywood.

Gordita Chronicles

I like it
It's cute it makes me think of a Dominican version of the Goldbergs how cool. I absolutely love the mom her character is so bad ass and just awesome she does her part so well and the dad is just simply put hot but also a very good man we definitely need more of those in this world so thanks for that.

It's a good first season I can't wait to see more an especially see what cucu gets up to next however I didn't really care for the sisters part as much but we will see how they progress her in the hopefully second season 🤞

Rutherford Falls

It's good
It's not bad.

First off Bobbi is cool love him and Terry what a sexy goofy but smoldering man I very much like his character.

It's kind of an odd show but it grows on you it's funny an good I think everyone should like it Reagan is very relatable she's a good main character and as always love the cute Ed helms all in all totally give it a watch and enjoy.

God's Favorite Idiot

Love Melissa
I love Melissa so much she is so fabulous and I don't care if anyone hates her making fun of the idiot religious people believing in book characters haha how funny I mean I could have done without all the stupid religious stuff but hey I can deal with it to support my girl so hell yes mama you do you because I always love seeing this female master of comedy.

The Book of Queer

It's about time
Finally are history is coming out.

I see a bunch of mad straights are giving this 1 star so sad for them straightwashing is being undone although no one cares about our community so I highly doubt our history will be taken Seriously But I'm happy we get to have this for us I'm so happy to see what we have done for this world and omg Abraham Lincoln yes please sexy bearded first daddy thank you I can't wait to see more.

Trixie Motel

Absolutely love 💕 💕 💕
Trixie girl you did it what a fabulous show I'm so obsessed thank you for making a show like this girl you should have your own network I'm so happy with this it's good it's funny and so beautifully done I can't wait to see more the first 2 episodes were so good love love love.

Vampire in the Garden

Love it but...
Why the hell do these creators only do 5 episodes freaking 30 mins long I'm so tired of shows only being a small amount of episodes you make me love something and I only get a tiny bit of it it kinda just ends up making me hate Netflix they should only make a show if it's 12 episodes or more and try to do more than 30 min episodes.

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