
IMDb member since March 2022
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Mu zhong wu ren 2

not a prequel
Regardless of the advertisements, this is definitely NOT a prequel.

Also, the story line pales in comparison to the original. I bet the producers went cheap and didn't rehire many of the original production crew. The screenplay for this flik is disjointed and doesn't allow the viewer to sympathize with the characters.

This film is a very weak attempt at cashing in on the original, very well done movie. The characters aren't given any depth and there's no back and forth timeline here.

It could have been a franchise (in the vein of Rauroni Kenshin), and the producers squandered a golden opportunity here.


see the original instead
Remakes are always hit or miss. They can be better than the original or a waste of film. This version is a waste of film.

Although the cinematography is excellent, the screen play falls miserably short of the original. It focuses too much on extraneous events that add little to the tale. Color makes the scenes more pretty but it adds nothing to the core of the film. The original, stark and bleak, black-and-white reinforces the focus on character. This version doesn't make the viewer question whether or not the samurai is truly insane. The fight scenes pale in comparison to the original. Also, there is no political message about power embedded here.

The Marsh King's Daughter

major, major gap
Regardless of it being filmed in Ontario, Canada instead of Upper Michigan, there is a Major gap in this film. There no mosquitos, black flies, gnats and no-see-ums anywhere here, in any scene. Much of the film is set during high summer so these little lovelies should be out in force. Did they fog the entire forest before location shooting?

This flik is about your basic, common, loving, northwoods family eeking out a subsistence life in total isolation. They're certainly not fat because of it - one touch of realism.

I had hopes that this film was more than just another "who is crazier than who" story but I was sadly disappointed.

The Creator

a waste
This flik is a waste of my time and the studio's money.

This film is really nothing more that Eddie Murphy/Golden Child but without any humor at all.

Here, a similar child could save the world, but doesn't in this film. Instead of tying up loose ends at the end, it leaves them hanging. Are they purposely trying to set up sequels? Don't they understand that the original needs to have a Reason to watch a sequel? And, there are too many plot gaps in the film for it to make any sense.

The special effects were OK but ALL sci-fi movies have the same special effects now.

I'm going to put my hands together and hope this film passes away without too much pain and suffering for the general public.


a biography; not a documentary
I expected this film to add to and expand upon "Fat Man and Little Boy" (a MUCH better film). This flik's focus is on the man, his foibles an his eventual betrayal and castigation by the US government. At 3+ hours, it's quite a bit overdone.

If not for leading the Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer, the person, would merely be a footnote in high energy psychics.

Until the last third of the movie, there is little offered to give sympathy to him. By that time, sadly, he becomes a virtual and physical shell of himself.

The film spent more celluloid on his detractors and competitors and did not offer an equal comparison with his proponents.

Needless to say, I would not recommend. Watch Fat Man instead.

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