
IMDb member since March 2022
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    2 years, 2 months


Indha Nilai Maarum

A neat one !
After watching this movie, I realised that Times of India does not know to review a movie. Iam quitting Times of India Reviews for ever. Movie reviews have become a scam to make money i guess.

Why is this good movie not given proper recognition. ?

An ya, Ashwinkumar has done much better than his other film enna sola pogirai. This movie INM is 100 times better than ESP. Why is he not talking about this movie ?

Love the theme music and the entire concept. Neatly exposed the minds of parents with unreasonable expectations in matrimony ! Loved the MJ in this movie. TM Karthik is mind blowing crazy comedian here. How did i miss this so long ?

Worth the watch !

Goko Mako

This director got Guts !
Watched this on Amazon Prime. Why is this movie buried beneath many other movies. Such a cute movie.

Will you believe someone just made this movie an entire feature film on GoPro. Never knew we could do so much wonders on such a small cam.

Especially the music. If you concentrate on all the lyrics of the numerous rap songs in the movie, you will be amazed on how some one can fit in such a vast message and thoughts inside a song and match the whole thing in an off beat movie. Such a complicated thought but neatly made into a quirky movie.

Don't miss this guys. And the climax is something you would not expect .. A cool casual one !

Operation JuJuPi

A movie to be watched by every citizen who wishes a happy nation
A movie to make the entire nation and the world happy ! This movie is a blueprint that every country's president and prime minister , members of parliament must watch !

What a thought process. The young PM's speech in the 2nd half is mind blowing !

Yes - This movie is the only solution to create a happy nation. Also people wish a happy nation than a developed nation. True That. Why don't these kind of movies come regularly.??

A gem among the other so called commercial stuff. Companies like Netflix Amazon must support these kind of movies which the audience really expect. Found this on a pay per view platform, AK Online. Worth the watch ! Worth the money !

A great message to take away ! Rethinking the purpose of my life !

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