
IMDb member since April 2022
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 2 months


Snabba cash

Gritty, flashy with lots of bad language and loud bangs!
This is easily the best urban crime thriller on Netflix. This is NOT Scandi noir. This is more akin to Top Boys. It is about urban youth in deprived parts of a city trying to make ends meet and some end up on the wrong side of the law. Season one was brilliant and season 2 turns it up a notch. Evin Ahmed as Leya is phenomenal. The best femme fatale in a long time. The premise is totally believable if you have any experience of living in a big city.

It is cool with the best theme tune on TV. Ravy is one of the most scariest gangsters on telly. The new characters are great too. There is a message in there about lack of opportunity for migrant communities, the police profiling all brown youth as criminals, and it shows the contrast with the well educated criminals in suits that make millions while sitting in air conditined offices.

The Suspect

Great show if a little predictable
The show is compulsive viewing, even if by the third episode you can work out the plot. A lot of reviewers are complaining are about the characters of the two detectives. They are unrealistic and really hope real detectives are nothing like them. But it does make the show a little unbelievable that the police fail to notice so many clues about who the real killer is, right until the end. The actors playing the cops had to work with the material they were given, so a little unfair to judge their acting abilities based on this, as other reviews have done.

All in all a great show and must watch!

DI Ray

If you liked Line of Duty you'll enjoy this!
Some reviewers don't seem to like the references to casual racism and prejudice, may be it makes them uncomfortable. However, this is the reality for many, especially in the Police.

This show is brilliant. It starts off going down one predictable direction but then rapidly changes direction and you realise the initial murder is a small part of a bigger conspiracy. Stick with it and you will be rewarded.

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