
IMDb member since January 2002
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    22 years


Down Came a Blackbird

Superb perfomance of vanessa redgrave and Raul julia on a political current important problem : Tortur survivors
In addition to the excellent performance of Vanessa Redgrave and the deceased Raúl Julia, the value and significance of this film is that it shows, extremely close to reality, the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Syndrome of "torture survivors>", the modern denomination of those that been primary or secondary subjects in the widespread use of torture around the world. This film is so dramatically close to real cases experienced by the Danish IRC (international Recovery center for Torture survivors) that it will impress both who work with torture survivors and those really looking for suspense, unexpected ending snd superb performance of Raúl Julia and Vanessa Redgrave. Honestly a film worth to buy and keep in the same class as My Neigbors son and a few others.

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