
IMDb member since April 2022
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Godzilla vs. Kong

Godzilla s Kong
I put off watching this film simply because who wants to choose between the two most iconic monsters of the monster movie genre? Not me. Having said that. Boy oh boy am I glad I finally watched it!

Was the plot great? No. Was the CGI fantastic? No. Was this film a kick-butt ride beginning to end? Darn right it was! I was on the edge of my seat, throughout. This, ladies and gentlemen, is how you do a monster vs. Monster film the right way.

As stated, the plot wasn't great. However, there were some valuable life lessons.

Actions have consequences.

Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.

Greed and lust for power may ultimately be your downfall.

Everyone needs a place to call home and people to call family.

Last but certainly not least. Even opposite sides can come together for the greater good. 8.5/10.

The Sandman

The Sandman
Admittedly, I did not read the comics, so obviously knew nothing going in. But, I was hooked right from the beginning of Ep1. The acting was good. Well shot. Script was really good. And then came Ep11.... After watching it, I just sat and thought, what in all that is good and green did that have to do with the rest of the season? No cohesion what-so-ever to the previous 10 episodes. It would have made more sense for it to have been a part of or perhaps even a precursor to S2, instead of linked to S1. I am really hoping for better in future episodes, but won't hold my breath. Pity I can't bring myself to rate it higher, the first ten episodes were fantastic.

Blackwood Evil

Good attempt?
The idea for this movie was great. Eddie, the cemetery caretaker and the set-up guy who was on screen for just a few moments, gave pretty good performances. Entirely too much dialogue, mostly arguing. The reporter, I have no words for how bad her performance was. The psychic did the best she could with who and what she had to work with. And the role of the not so nice fellow was taken way too far. I'm usually a fan of Found Footage films. If some of the dialogue had been cut and a better actress found for the reporter character, this might have been much better.

Stranger Things

Stranger Things
This series has everything a really good series should. Great cast chemistry, story line, script, cinematography, special effects, soundtrack, etc. Plus the added bonuses of the importance of family and friends, good triumphs over evil, love, loss, it shows growing up is an awkward time for everyone and bullies get their comeuppance. The list goes on and on. I can't say enough good things about it. A resounding win for Netflix.

The Recall

Not your average alien film
I admit that I am nearly always in for an alien flick. Some are good, some not so good. This, was good. I loved the idea of it. The script and acting were pretty darn good. Effects, weren't bad at all. Not deserving of the low ratings, in my opinion. Give it a try!

The Kindred

The Kindred
The was a well thought out and planned film. Good story. Good flow. Good acting. In order for me to truly enjoy a film, it has to be cohesive. This was. The ghost children were just the right amount of creepy. Nice twist in there too. Highly recommend giving it a try.

Black Eyed Children: Let Me In

This could have been good if not for the sound, 'acting' and horrible script I'm actually wondering if there even was a script. Don't waste your time.

The Haunting of Hythe House

Just plain bad
I try to find something good about every movie I watch, even if they're really bad. In this case however, and I do apologize to those who worked on it, I can't find anything good about it. I would rate it a 0, if it were possible.

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