
IMDb member since January 2002
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Born in East L.A.

A dynamic comedy
I heard about this movie recently, and last night I finally got to see it. I'm glad I did! There were a few laugh-out-loud moments, including scenes with Javier and scenes when Rudy has to deal with the boarder patrol. The romance with the woman from El Salvador was actually tolerable (I generally do not like romance in movies), plus it didn't take up too much of the time. As the movie goes on the audience sees Rudy is a man with a good heart, yet I sensed no sappieness. Another aspect of "Born in East L.A." is that it can make people think about the struggles and poverty that happens just over our boarder; this serious issue is presented in a comedy though, so it's easier to take and people don't have to put their guard up for preachy morals while they're looking for a good laugh. Yes, the movie isn't very deep, but it certainly doesn't have to be. I would recomend "Born in East L.A." to anyone. I definitely have to see it again.

My Baby's Daddy

I enjoyed this, despite not being in the target audience
This movie was actually more than mildly amusing for me. Most of the comedy was good, and sometimes I even laughed out loud. The only part that repulsed me was making the babies talk (as seen in the preview), but at least there was some kind of reason for it and it didn't last too long.

Yes, most of the plot was predictable, but it was still a good story. It moves quickly between the three men, but the three of them go through similar ordeals so it's not confusing. My favorite parts were those with G and his lover's Chinese family, and the role Eddie Griffin played as Lonnie. Even if you don't think "My Baby's Daddy" is your type of movie, you might actually like it.

The Tuxedo

NOT a waste of time!
When I was about to see "The Tuxedo", I feared that I might be wasting time and money like I have been recently at the theater with other movies. How my fears were shot down as I watched "The Tuxedo" and declared it the last good movie I saw in the theater! I don't see too many Jackie Chan films, but every one that I HAVE seen has been a gear, and "The Tuxedo" was no exception. I moaned, I shuddered, but mostly I laughed at the antics of Chan, Hewitt (Ms. Hewitt being much less annoying than I thought she would be), and other characters. I love how everything wrapped up in a neat little package--you really got to pay attention to some of the things that are said! But really, I can say that I fully enjoyed this movie, and I'm glad I saw it.

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