
IMDb member since April 2022
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Black Adam

The Hierarchy of DC Universe did Change!!
There's no one on this planet who can stop me, Dwayne literally brought those words to life in the movie. 10 stars for that, but the movie plot was very similar to Shazam like the young teen and wizard supervillan and all but the fights are breathtaking...the CGI is top level and at times overdid just a little, humor is to be expected a little less cuz Rock is playing serious character this time but he still manages to throw it in a little bit

All the other characters are like a shadow in the film which I think is a weak point. I mean the backstory of all the Characters were not covered just like what happened in Justice league(Not the Snyder cut version, that was dope af) which makes the plot a little weak. They had too much story to tell in too little time.

The comic accuracy was something deep focus was led on. Dr. Fate is comic accurate all knowing sorcerer, atom smasher and cyclone are decent and hawkman at times, steals the spotlight but just for a moment

In conclusion I would sat the Rock cooked some pretty decent meal for fans, one thing if I can wish for would be to have the movie longer...

Oh yeah stay for the post credits you'll thank me later.


A decent Sylvester superhero watch
So I went in as a Sylvester fan looking for some decent action thriller and wasn't disappointed. I mean just don't go with very high expectations and you'll like it.

The movie tells the story of a young boy looking for his superhero who was presumed dead 25 yrs ago along with the supervillan he was fighting. Now we all know what happened next, the kid found the hero was indeed his neighbor...gets kidnapped by the bad guys and our hero has to come to the rescue. There is one major twist in the story which I kinda liked and wasn't expecting but still good.

All in all the movie is worth a watch but not more than that. Stallone still got it 👍

Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de

Modern Day Power Rangers with a romance twist
Ngl...the 1st epi brought back childhood memories. I watched the 2 episodes and have to say I'm liking it

The Story is simple, average power ranger story...5 rangers fight the so called evil organization which wants to conquer world but that's where the twist come in...the red ranger falls head over heels for the evil villaness. He confess his love and they start dating but they also have to make sure no one sees them dating as they are from different sides of a war...after that it's hilarious to see them hide their relationship while their feelings grow for each other

Overall I would say it's good so far and I'm excited about new episodes.

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