
IMDb member since April 2022
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    IMDb Member
    2 years, 1 month


Downton Abbey

Phenomenal show
Wasn't prepared for the Game of Thrones level deaths in season three, those hurt. 😂😂 But this is definitely a favorite, I adore it the whole way through. It's rare a show has a perfect ending, but they did great with this one. Mr. Moseley's ending was probably my favorite, I love that he found his calling.

Freaky Friday

A hidden gem
This movie is so over the top ridiculous, especially the end scene with the police chase and the water skiing. It gets seven stars purely based on how casually ludicrous that chase scene is.


Love Lin, hate America
Honestly just hate America and it's hypocritical founding fathers far too much to ever enjoy anything glorifying them. Also it's annoying that the most exciting parts are duels three different times. I realize it's what actually happened but duels just seem so ridiculous to me that for them to be built up to three separate times is a bit much. Absolutely love anything else Lin Manuel Miranda has done though!

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