
IMDb member since May 2007
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Christmas Waltz

Throwback to Old Hollywood Classic Christmas Musical Flick
Loved this Charming Christmas Flick! Lacey Nicole Chabert is enchanting and Actor Will Kemp does a good job in the role of romantic dance instructor! He is a cross between Actor David Niven and American Actor and Dancer Gene Kelly! Story line could be more believable but the acting, dancing, sets and B roll of New York City is quite effective in making this film an entertaining flick to view around the Holiday Season! Costumes are beautiful and Ms Chabert is quite beautiful in the role of his student and lawyer! A definite must see for the Holiday Season!

Woman Times Seven

Fun Vintage Shirley MacLaine Flick from the 1960's
Even the old bad films to me are a hundred times better than what I see today. Although it is a silly film, Shirley is fabulous and looks wonderful in each story line. I love foreign films made in Paris, France and Italy so this was a treat with all the fabulous location shots. Peter Sellers of course is genius as he always was!

I never saw this film and I am an old movie buff so I was glad to see some one in particular. Vittorio DeSica made this film in 1967 which appeared to be slightly different than some of his films.

I still think the film is worth seeing if you are a Peter Sellers and Shirley MacLaine fan.


Trapeze A Film Worth Seeing
Trapeze is an excellent film. Direction of Carol Reed is superb. I remember as a kid watching the flick on the million dollar movie on WOR-TV and being totally engrossed in the story of a fabulous love triangle between Burt Lancaster, Gina Lollobrigida and Tony Curtis. The film incredibly depicts the dangers of circus acts and what a passionate artist will endure. This little treasure of a film inspires filmmakers and actors today to perfect their craft in the entertainment industry. I learned early that Lancaster was an acrobat which enabled him to create the difficult trapeze act skillfully. But I did not know he was one of the producers until I had the pleasure of interviewing Ms. Gina Lollobrigida at a cover launch of Black Tie International Magazine. Gina candidly told me of her experience on the film and how determined Burt Lancaster wanted the acting scenes perfected while Tony Curtis had a more cavalier attitude and was more interested in the Paris nightlife. Tony would often try to encourage her to have a good time with him off the set. A definite must see for anyone who wants to enjoy a well produced film

Author: Cognac Wellerlane

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