
IMDb member since May 2022
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Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

I actually really like the changes
A lot of people hate this show for all the changes it made, like Raph being the leader throughout most of the series, but I personally really enjoy them. With Raph being the leader up until the last few seconds of the season two finale, it gives Leo a chance to have a personality that actually shows, plus I was kind of getting tired of Raph's usually hot headed personality anyways, so it's nice to see him be a bit more responsible for once. The people who don't like this show need to respect that it's not meant to cater towards older fans, but rather to introduce new fans to the tmnt franchise in a fun and unique way.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

RaMona is the ONLY good ship in the entire show
Why are all of the ships in this show, except RaMona, so terrible? Raph is the only one of the turtles who gets an actual healthy relationship in the show and it's with someone who he'd only known for an hour. All the other ships are just Donnie and Casey being total simps (and in Donnie's case a borderline stalker) for April and her being creeped out by it, straight up incest with Leo and Karai, and Mikey just being weird in his ships in general. This show makes me think that maybe, just maybe, giving each of the turtles a love interest isn't really the best idea. They really could've done better with the ships in this show in my opinion.


Not really my kind of show but still amazing!
Bluey isn't really my kind of show, but I can respect that it doesn't feel like it's target audience is being talked down too and how it's not afraid to tackle more serious topics like death and miscarriages, which is why I feel like Bluey deserves all the praise it gets and more! The character designs and backgrounds are very simple but don't feel cheap in any way, The theme song is surprisingly catchy, and topics are explained in a way that a child would understand. Even though I don't watch it personally I still think this is a great show for kids, teens, and adults alike! It's a great show!

Strawberry Shortcake

My childhood!
If you're looking for an amazing Strawberry Shortcake show, then you should definitely give this one a try! This was my personal favorite version of Strawberry Shortcake and still is to this day! The theme song is extremely catchy, the character designs are very simplistic and colorful, and the settings make you feel like you're actually there! Everytime I wanna go on a nostalgia trip I always end up thinking of this show and how it made my childhood so much better! The artstyle is simply breath taking and isn't jarring to look at, unlike some other versions of Strawberry Shortcake. LOVE THIS SHOW!

Strawberry Shortcake: Berry in the Big City

Hate the character designs and the city setting
The character designs in this version look absolutely horrendous, especially when compared to the past Strawberry Shortcake cartoons, they just look so basic and ugly to me. They definitely could've come up with way better designs then what we got.

Also why did they have to put Strawberry and her friends in the city when the franchise is known for its cottage-core feel? This is what I hate the most about this show. They're trying to urbanize the cottage-core queen and her friends. If you ask me the city setting just does not work for the Strawberry Shortcake franchise and it REALLY shows here.

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