
IMDb member since May 2022
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The Great Weddings of Munnes

Great climax
I'm glad I saw this movie because it shows how much Indian filmmaking has evolved. In spite of their oddness, the humour is neither boring nor stupid. You will laugh and cringe at the film's climax.

The Gone Game

All are like this .
There's no denying that this season is more intriguing and mysterious than the first. Shweta Tripathi Sharma has shown her worth yet again. This is a program that can be seen in one sitting. The second season has substantially better production quality than the first.

Jug Jugg Jeeyo

I finally saw JugJuggJeeyo.
When I finally saw JugJuggJeeyo, I could only say that this is how a great family show should look. Anil Kapoor makes you laugh and cry at the same time.

Cyber Vaar

After hearing her remark about how intrigued she was by The Tale of Cyber Vaar, I am really optimistic that Sanaya will carry out her plans. She expressed how interested she was by the narrative. I cannot wait to see what she does with her life.

Code M

Best efforts.
In spite of how lengthy it seems to take to finish, it is well worth your while to put in the effort. And all actor effort his best they are giving his best.

Aadha Ishq

This is a degrading way to treat female character .
This is a degrading way to treat female characters, especially love interests. These women have always been the target of nasty rumours, and this time is no exception. We must make an effort to effect change.

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