
IMDb member since May 2022
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My Fake Boyfriend

Good laugh, although a bit cringeworthy
So, I watched the movie because I like Keinan and Dylan. The movie's goofy, cringe and certainly interesting, but could be better with portraying stereotypically gay behaviour or actors (because queerness is always been used as punchline, butt of the joke, especially effeminate men)

You can't expect it to deliver logically, as there's a character that gets away with serious cyber crimes and not only that but gets rewarded lol. So, it's definitely comedy. But I likes the trio. And the storyline was also decent. Overall it's ok, considering it's a low budget independent film.

If you like goofy characters, friendships and anything young adult set in an urban landscape. You must watch it.


Could be better definitely.
The film is average if I had to sum it up in a single sentence. The story, dialogues, the character development all cease to be captivating due to it's unoriginal foundation. Casting is ok.

The major problem this film poses (and tbh most media and films surrounding LGBT+ folks) is the never ending trope of reducing queer lives into caricatures and mockery. Use their identity as comic relief.

Our society has always been extremely hostile towards queerness i.e being visibly different, speaking in terms of the gender-binary, imitating the opposite gender rather than one's own. And effeminacy (male femininity) carries the maximum stigma, that remains the case still, so much so that not just heterosexual men and women but even a lot of gay/bi men struggle with internalised notions about it and are selectively homophobic. Like user @UltraMaximal here, complaining about the film not representing normal gay men like him or the ones he's met in his 56 yrs of life but instead nelly and effeminate males (90% of em)

This selective hostile resentment against effeminate behaviour is not just among the cishet folks but the gays themselves. Thanks to all the representation since ages that nobody asked for.

So, if in 2022, one would expect that, if a film has an effeminate character or a trans character, they would not be one dimensional and used simply as butt of the jokes, further contributing to the negative stereotypes but rather be dealt with sensitivity.


Good show for a demographic that is underrepresented.
Just read some of the reviews and as all of them unanimously point out : LGBT community or culture is diverse af and to represent everyone without screwing is almost impossible.

This is a decent attempt to showcase the gay guys with "the guy next door" kind of personalities who often do not get representation. Because most of the representation that LGBT people have gotten up until recently is "getting their existence made into mockery and caricatures", especially for gay/bi men who are camp or femme (effeminate) so much so that even within the community they're stigmatised and discriminated. Nobody wants to associate with them and they're often the butt of the jokes/harassment as are those characters written for comic relief.

Nobody would want that. Their personality, expression to be made into negative stereotypes or be equated as some sort of weakness/degenerate behaviour.

As for queer women, it has been the extreme fetishization of WLW relationships for the straight male gaze.

Positive representation matters and it's one of them.

Dave Chappelle: The Closer

Making fun of someone's trauma isn't comedy, it's bullying.
If you take your trauma and make joke of it, it's comedy.. because that way you're turning something that held a negative memery, a scar into something positive, owning the narrative in your hands, that's why a lot of comedians crack jokes about themselves or their lived experiences. But when you make joke out of someone else's trauma, it stays trauma.. more over it's bullying. Because, that person doesn't own the narrative, the context or the impact. His obsession and hostility with trans individuals, precisely, trans women is just repulsive. No matter how talented or gifted a person is, if they can't even tell good from bad, everything goes in vain.

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