
IMDb member since May 2007
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Finding Nemo

The Biggest F****** Joke Ever
When I saw a rating of 8.2 I did a double take. How on earth did this farce manage a rating of that? The lot is trash, even if your a kid! I mean i'm not that into animation films but I found Shrek quite enjoyable and other children's films like the lion king and the Jungle Book were vastly superior.

For a start Nemo himself is incredibly annoying and I was hoping throughout the movie that a shark would come along and snap him up (knowing full well this would never actually happen). Secondly the story line reaches new heights of insanity. All movies aimed at young audiences are silly but this one is so much worse and stupider than any of the other ones. It's boring it's sad and it makes me feel embarrassed than something so horrible and ugly in film could be enjoyed by so many people.

Nemo actually means nobody, suggesting that even the guy who came up with the title is laughing at this movie. I can barely understand how children like it but adults as well? What is the world coming to? Please don't watch this movie if you haven't seen it. It's simply disgusting.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Criminaly Overrated
Turning an extremely popular fantasy book into a movie is never easy (especially if its over 600 pages long). Of course I have read the book, which probably made my expectations unfairly high. Even so this film still fell way below what I had hoped for.

There is nothing terribly wrong in the Goblet of the Fire. The cast is good, the effects are well done and there is a fairly solid story line. However so much is cut out from the book and this leaves a gaping hole in the story. Daniel Radcliffe has barely improved since the first movie, which is a shame because most of the cast are excellent.

There is nothing extraordinary throughout the whole film and although I wouldn't call it a drag I wouldn't call it exciting either. What I can't believe is that this film has a rating of 7.8 Are you trying to tell me that this extremely mediocre film is better than for example most James Bond films? Because thats what the ratings say.

If you do watch this try not to think of the book because it was always going to be vastly inferior. It isn't bad but it isn't good either and considering the expectation, cast and budget I would call this film a flop.

Dog Soldiers

Proud to be British...
OK this film is cheap, with limited effects and a relatively unknown cast. It just proves that you don't need allowed of money or Hollywood to entertain somebody for a couple of hours. I was sceptical before viewing this movie but i must say it was surprisingly enjoyable and original.

Some guys are doing an army exercise in the woods of Scotland, when they are stalked and chased by werewolves. They manage to escape the woods and reach the only house nearby, where they end up desperately fighting for their lives against some savage beasts.

This is by no means a straight out horror movie. There is a lot of action and even some moments of comedy. There is also a clever twist towards the end and the audience is kept guessing who will survive and who won't. The men act like true heroes in the fighting and I genuinely felt for them - unlike in so many horror films.

Another thing I particularly loved about Dog Soldiers is that it's so British. I'm tired of so many good American horror movies! The setting in Scotland, the dialogue and the men are very British. Although its not completely original many elements of this film are. Admittedly the effects aren't great and although a bit jumpy at times I didn't find this one scary (though that isn't its main aim).

A refreshing and entertaining film; OK its not a classic but i still recommend it. If you liked this check out the Descent (by the same director) with a bit more cash

Children of the Corn

Just Weird
Firstly I feel that I must praise the originality of this film (even though it was based on a book). I have never seen anything else with a similar story line.

Basically all the children in a deserted village (Gatlin) decide to kill all the adults and then a couple of adults arrive a few years later. Questions such as how after 3 years this mass murder had gone unnoticed and why all these children are prepared to kill their parents are unanswered.

In many ways this film is stupid and slow in places. However it does have a sinister element and the characters of Malaki and Isaac are done very well. Quite enjoyable all the same. Just about worth seeing but not essential.

My rating: 6 and 1/2*

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

The only film to ever scare me
Gripping, terrifying and devastatingly upfront. There is nothing that quite compares to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, even though several sequels, a remake and a prequel have since been made. Not to mention countless other slasher films that have no doubt been influenced by this incredible film. So what makes this better than the rest?

There are many reasons. The story is allowed to build up and the plot is actually realistic and believable, unlike so many modern horror films. Leatherface is huge, brutal and merciless - he's simply terrifying. The sound effects fit the movie and the setting and horror house (filled with bones and skin masks etc) substantially adds to the realism and fright of the movie.

There is a huge sense of mystery within this film and the tension builds up unbearably. We are kept guessing the outcome right till the end. The dinner scene is possibly the most harrowing moment of film ever. There is no sense of the supernatural here; It feels horribly real.

Please Ignore all the bad ratings of this film! Of course if you don't enjoy horror movies you're definitely not going to like this. What makes this film greater is that the killer's background and motives aren't explained. The unknown is one of the most frightening thoughts. Not every little detail has to be revealed.

Definitely not for the faint hearted. Be prepared to be shocked and scared in the extreme without barely witnessing a drop of blood. A true classic; Something that you must see at least once in your life. Forget the remake, this is the real deal. The film was always meant to be twisted and horrible and this is very much achieved

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