
IMDb member since May 2022
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Dead Shot

Very pleasant surprise
A hell of a movie. I want more of that type of indie/under the radar movies. Not a low budget by any means. Very good supporting cast (Felicity Hoffman! Mark Strong!). Very nice picture. Great acting. It s a real little gem with money spent on concrete things rather than marketing n a pseudo superstar.

I m just astonished by the very low ratings. What s wrong with u guys?

Is it the tone of the movie? His darkish aspect? Yeah, the film is unforgiving. But it deserves a chance. I deliberately gave it a 9 cause i can t believe people rated it as a 1". Even the dialogues are nicely written. Go watch it people. Give it a chance.

Trigger Point

Perfect gem
I just really enjoyed the movie. It s a piece of gem. Low budget yet with a stunning photography. The last scene near the sea is totally intriguing. Why was it never shot like that before?

Acting is solid but the story a bit convoluted. And i m not sure i got it all. The cinematography is definitely there. Director knows how to film.

Maybe a bit dismissed by few action scenes. So many uzis against a glock n a silencer.... But dialogues n acting save the whole film.

There s something of John Wick i guess. And Jason Bourne. But really, i would give it a chance. Plus it does not last long and tve pace is right.


Stressful, scary and tense
What a movie.

A great script form the beginning. Not by its originality, that could be debated, but rather by its progression. The production is really good. Movie is probably tight on budget. It can be seen starting from the opening scene in the hospital, yet elegantly executed, suffers from it. Nevertheless, once in Chloe s home, it looks perfectly fine and feels really well crafted.

More importantly, the scripts spares you the traditional jump scares and rather sets a feeling of discomfort.

There are different acts, and they all put the audience on pressure. My only concern towards the end would be the acceleration of the pace; it tends to dilute and somehow going backward with the slow but intense build up.

Yet I really enjoyed the epilogue and I can only recommend this precious little gem.

After Yang

Dystopic and slow
The production is great. Sceneries, light, color, decorum : the movie is very well crafted.

Story is set in a dystopic and so on very oeaceful and neat environment. We are in a woke environment, multi ethnic and anti capitalist. Yet the lead is a white 40 something guy. And the Chinese softness touch really feels like a western misconception of what China and asian in general are. But ok.

Slowly, very slowly, the movie will question our relation to life, whether it is artificial or not, the notion of family and what is going on after things end. Delicate, very delicate. The world described through this family core is pretty luch felt. But there s also humanity in it. And towards the end, if someone is still awake, someone might feel emotional.

A House on the Bayou

Very good til the end.... But bad epilogue
Very good til the end.... But bad epilogue wasting it. That s why i give it a 6 stars only.

Cast solid. Dialogs decent. One emotional scene a bit overacted. But the staging n the filming really are efficient. It s creepy, cringy somehow. It just works. And the ending is just fine yet very moralistic

The epiligue takes too long n is insulting the audience intelligence. It takes off any ambiguity and ruin the fantastic aspect of the movie.

That s why i give it a 6 stars only.

Cast solid. Dialogs decent. One emotional scene a bit overacted. But the staging n the filming really are efficient. It s creepy, cringy somehow. It just works.


Simple and entertaining
I was pleased to see that it is a Steven Soderberg movie.

Movie is very well crafted. The photography, i mean the light and color treatment makes it very enjoyable.

The main character is sometimes off the limits in the way he treats people. He most of the time ends up conversations very abruptly and, even if i know that it should sounds cool because it s a badass attitude, i find it over the top and simply dislikable.

Yet, all in all, it s a lovely movie with likable characters. The plot is a little bit thin. The story in itself has like a plot hole (how the hell did they find her) but the final and the simple way it s been treated is perfect. Not too much hard, with enough suspens for us to wonder and something plausible in the end.

It s a very modest movie, it last around 1h25mn: perfect for a quick saturday night streaming.

Above Suspicion

Above average
Can t believe i never heard of this movie before. I really enjoyed it n can only recommend it.

It really is nicely written, is well paced n well staged. Guess Emilia Clarck helped to get some budget and gives the whole movie some nice staging.

Dialog are good. Actors are great. The story is decently well developped and the choice of having a narrator is very intriguing.

Susan Smith is a hell of a character. We care for her. We feel for her when her last thoughts are for her children.

Maybe one negative aspect in this thriller would ve the color treatmen. A bit blu-ish, monochromatic. We barely see the green of the trees. Another one, the lack of consideration for how these misfits have to live and all the things they have to go through.

21 Bridges

My kind of B movie
This movie deserves a chance. True that the plot is somehow predictable. Yet, i enjoyed it. It s only a 1h30 movie, nicely paced. Many intense face off, remarkable gunfights, good dialogues (to my foreign ears) , served by a solid cast with a minimum of character writing. The picture is crafted. Light taken care of seriously.

It s perfect for a laid down week end, to be watched with a glass of wine.

It s not "Collateral", certainly not at the same level, but it is a solid hommage that is worth watching.

This movies is very well crafted n super respectful of his audience. I had a good time watching it, well aware that it is just a B movie: my kind of B movie.


Weak n not scary
Pretty disappointed. The cast is not that all convincing and at least one antagonist is pretty easy to identify.

The return of the fan s favourite characters does not bring much, Dewey excepted.

The hommage, the meta aspect, i get that but it feels forced.

The overall progression is not really mesmerizing. We see some of Tara s friends at the beginning, and won t see them again before the final act. We easily identify the antagonist sex (check the height of ghost face).

We can barely explain how one of the guys get trapped via the location sharing. How did the killer get the gf s phone???

All in all, this movie has a lazy writing and the shooting pretty much not imaginative.


Hung over
Movie full of clichés. Actually, this movie is a cliche. It not even a hommage. Just an uninspired copy paste.

Photography is ok. Esthetic is there. Thanks to digital editing, it sometimes (but rarely) looks awesome.

The story is just unbelievable. Al Pacino is worn out. The lines n the delivery have been heard n seen a thousand of times. Just the rythm is not there.

A girl is telling about her past traumas: Al Pacino alias Archer says "Ok" and that s it. Detectives can t wait for forensics and definitely pollute every crime scenes. They can find a car deep down in a river in what? 5 minuts?

104000 dollars only at the box office. No wonder why.


Feels like i wasted 10 years of my life
This movie is plain silly. Nicely made at first. Nice shots. Nice color. Nice editing.

But action scenes just fell flat and tension is never really there. Camera moves does not help. Dunno what was the wanted effect. Kids growing up appearing off plan because they re bigger?

Not sure the meaning of the token black guy. And his proximity for the ex-kid now teenager soon to be adult really felt akward.

As expected, everybody dies but 2. Took it 2 hours to reveal the nature of the plot. People are aging so they re exploited to make some kind of clinical trials . What a twist.... Thanks to a cop miraculously there, everything will be almost all right. And he apparently believed the kids about the aging process like without any doubt. Sure. Why not.

This movie is an absolute fail. Probably a metaphor about aging in the original book, it just became a survivor style one with lot of cringing. Could have been so luch better than that n certainly more meaningful.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI
Episode 6, Season 1

Good bye, Darth....
So Vador is no Vador no more. He got no id n is pretty lost. Let s call him "they" cause they seem to be a non binary confused mind.

But we can call them Darth. What a wonderful little name.

Whatever. Nothing really happens in this episode cause there s nothing we really care for.

The usual fan service with 2 expected super guest to pop up. And that s it! This is it!

EwanMcGregor is simply ridiculous when he s posing before a fight. He s a. Actor, not a martial artist, n You can see it.

Many tears here n there. Some twist you can only expect from low cost series. N tears again. And redemption, sometimes.

Good bye Darth. You were the ultimate antagonist. Now gone under too much surgery, you probably lost a little bit more than legs n arms, in term of extremities .

Good bye Darth. And f you Disney.

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III
Episode 3, Season 1

Only CGI. Rest is lame and fan service
Well well well..... Fans gonna get it hard. It is back. And they meet. And that s it. There is no energy, no enthusiasm and it definitely adds nothing to the Saga.

CGIs still do the job, contrary to the real locations with still so few extra and the vague impression than the exact same location have been used and reused for most of the shootings. California for external as a shooting location just proves how cheap is this low cost show.

I won t digress too much on the plausibility check. Chases, catch and run, always in the same long corridor filmed in different angles, they all look poorly executed. Pace is slow in this lethargic serie where our poor nemesis can barely fly nowadays.

Music is far from unforgettable. Where are the Star Wars themes???

This serie is an absolute fail. It just benefits from good CGIs, good sounds effects. But that s nothing new in the Lucas world. Just go away....

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Poor. Lame. Cheap
Not much good to be said about this episode 1. Some scenes are so stretched that they end up like fillers. Staging and directing are are the bare minimum and CGIs are amateur at their best. Crowded scenes are barely populated and the Order 666 scene looks weird. The chase scene, in the woods, is probably a half a day shot.

Star Wars , when compared to Marvel, used to be very well crafted. Especially when it comes to photography and visual effects. We now feel the Marvelisation of Star Wars.

I m not a fan of McGregor as a blank Obi Wan, but he s definitely not the worst character in this episode. The evil people definitely lack subtlety, betrayed by a poor filming and lame dialogues.

There is not much good to be said. The "Star Wars" spirit has vanished. "Star Wars" is dead.

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