Reviews (20)

  • That water bra business is a highlight of the series. This was around the time that Debra Messing started getting a lot of Lucille Ball comparisons and I feel like she earns them in this episode. The water bit is one of those classic sight gags that immediately pops to mind whenever I think of the series. I'm currently bingeing the series after having watched it when it originally aired and I was really excited when this one arrived. Plus, every character's strengths are written to and the direction is farcical excellence. The three-way feel-up in the beginning is perfect, Karen is reliably full of zingers and Jack's Cher impression is always welcomed.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    You could probably catch me on any given day and I'll have another moment that I'll say is my tops, but in a pinch I always recall as my favorite part of Schitt's Creek the moment at the end of this episode where Moira requests that she be shot in the face if ever caught shopping at the Blouse Barn or whatever it's called. Catherine O'Hara is an underused genius and her ability to exude such relatable tenderness in the monologue before ending with such a punch is the moment I always point to when I need to describe the strengths of this show. Rarely has a character so been able to veer this drastically between id and ego. I know that sounds high falutin.
  • Saw this at the Brooklyn Film Festival and loved it. Gorgeous, unexpectedly emotional animation; beautiful writing; wonderful vocal performances. I've been thinking about it since I watched it. A 90's story in suburban Texas, but the feelings and yearnings and disappointments are universal.
  • The same people that are clutching their pearls over a vaccine storyline- which is completely relevant to a tale about an affluent Cali town- were probably hurling death threats last week at the people defending the trans folks that Dave Chappelle crapped on. It's so rich.
  • This episode has a ton of heart. This isn't even typical of me but I teared up three times - and one of them was a full on cry. The stuff with Maeve and her neighbor is so good- that guy is a fantastic actor. Eric feeling unsafe in Nigeria and rejected at home is highlighted so sadly at the end. I think this might be the best of the season.
  • I'm not trying to be overly nasty but writing a character played by the most limited performer on the show who then becomes a performer as her character, thus requiring her to act as a person (which is apparently already a lot to ask) who then performs on top of that...was a mistake. She has a warm presence but the poor girl playing Alice does not have the chops for this.
  • Rose Byrne is freaking burning up the screen but the rest of the story does not match up. The performances from her husband and campaign manager are good as well but their dialogue is bonkers. This was the 80's, not witch hunt-era Salem.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Loved this episode so much. Was NOT expecting to be as moved as I was by the song near the end. They sounded freaking amazing and my eyes were full on flooding. Oof. Also Callie is always a boss and is the best.
  • Trisha's friend was a complete lunatic and seems like a lot of fun to have around. Plus that Mac n cheese seemed wonderfully decadent.
  • Make no mistake, this movie is absolutely bananas. It has a lot of heart tho. It's true failing is that it can bore at times. That said, what were people expecting from a show that starts with literally the dumbest song in the English language and I'm including Chumbawumba's song from the 90's? "Jellicle Cats" is SUCH a stupid number that I would not be surprised to hear that it had provoked seizures in a large number of people. Not entirely certain I didn't have a seizure myself.
  • Loved the Josh storyline. It's really satisfying to see the people usually in the background have a moment to shine. This will definitely be an episode people remember.
  • 20 November 2019
    I liked this movie better than I thought I would. The truth is, it's a lot more thoughtful than your average navel gazing indie. My major critique would be that the director/actor/writer should give up either acting or directing in his own films. His performance is disconnected and he's obviously talented so it feels as if he's maybe wearing one too many hats.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Looking at the reviews that have a large number of "not helpful" votes plus the reviews from guys who are whining about how this is a feminist program- I'm just wondering what's wrong with people. No one is blaming white police officers, it's an indictment of a SYSTEM that did not care enough about this girl to offer her justice (women let her down too). It's heartbreaking and it happened and men who are more upset about maybe seeing themselves reflected in the antagonists in this one story than whether this serial rapist was taken off the streets need to see a therapist.
  • This movie is BONKERS in the most delightful way. For it being total garbage, it's actually edited in such a way that it moves along at a decent clip. I was having a panic attack when I started this movie and it may have just saved my life.
  • The flashbacks this season have really not worked for me. I appreciate the deep dive into the histories of the characters, but the casting has been off and it just feels totally off. That said, Greg Germann and Sarah Drew do like series-best work in this episode. And what a thoughtful look at people's relationships with religion.
  • If you've seen Ron Clark on Oprah, you know what an inspiration he is. This movie does absolutely NO JUSTICE to his story. In fact, the hack writers spend so much time shoe-horning his story into a clichéd structure, it's practically unrecognizable. I don't even know where to begin. First of all, Ron Clark's energy is the most amazing thing about him and Matthew Perry, while a fine actor in the right situation, is absolutely 100% miscast. For real, it should be someone like Sean Hayes or...I don't know, someone more electric. And those kids? Were such clichés. And, I don't know what movie the kid playing Shameika was even in. Basic Instinct or something. The story offered no insight into what actually made Ron Clark's teaching a success. By all appearances, he should have been an utter failure. It was deep conviction and unfailing energy that allowed him to succeed. When I heard this movie was being made, I was so excited for it. It couldn't be more of a disappointment.
  • I can't believe how much I laughed out loud at this movie. The comic energy that they managed to capture is outstanding. I just saw it recently and keep laughing when I remember certain moments- like Justine Bateman's shifting while the girl is talking about how she "used to love a gay man." I almost peed myself.
  • Catherine Keener? She's so friggin good, I can't stand it. I loved this movie. It does something that was hard for me to put my finger on, but I think I've got it now--It shows that we can't always hope for a lot in the world, in terms of validation or support, but we always have our humor. That seems really slight, but it means a lot. These people were really not happy in most moments, but they could manage to still be clever or witty. Sometimes, if you can't laugh at life, you'd never stop crying. Emily Mortimer was great- the scene everyone talked about is as good as they said.And Catherine Keener. She's such an original. I almost hate, her she's so perfect.
  • This movie is so overloaded with metaphors that it hardly has time for the people. It's trying so hard to be a "powerful coming-of-age saga" that it ends up being rather hollow. That said, all of the young actors were good. What the hell was Emily Watson doing in ONE scene? I'd have a talk with the editor if I were her.
  • This movie made me so happy. The performers are so gifted. The details in the art direction and characterizations were pretty spot-on too. Amy Poehler in particular delighted me. That girl rocks my world. Everyone has their moment though. In this time when parodies are almost more common than original ideas, this movie stands out as one of the best.