
IMDb member since July 2022
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Black '47

Western set in the famine
A clever concept which combines the thriller genre with a horrific time in history, the famine. This was such an interesting way to allow an audience to experience what it may have been like to live through the famine, but the the thriller aspect keeps it engaging and less boring. A good film on an indie budget. The actors are strong although Barry Keogh's character, while well acted, I felt was a weak character. Felt there was more potential for this character.


Amazing love song
I'm going to go see the Musical Once, so I said I better check out the film first, as never did get around to seeing it even though I had heard it won an Oscar and was made for around 150k. Quite a remarkable achievement. Well. I watched it and I loved it. Love that it is shot in a way that looks low budget, it actually feeds into what is simple and beautiful about the film.. genius to not try to compete with the more polished high budgeted films, as it is the music and the rawness that makes this film stand out. If anyone hasn't seen this yet, get watching, you will not be let down by the experience.

The Hole in the Ground

A good watch
This movie looks great, and great acting from the Irish here. The premise of the overall film is a bit weak, but I see what they were aiming for. It works but doesn't quite come together as a movie in the end. That being said, I really enjoyed it and the movie had me engaged throughout, It just didn't pay off, if that makes sense, so I left it a little disappointed, which in a way is a compliment to the piece. Wanted it to finish Great.

The Limit Of

Interestingly strange with a payoff
A slow burn film, so people who prefer faster paced films, it might not be for them. The slow pace is definitely deliberate, as the style remains the same throughout the film. I wouldn't describe it as a thriller, more of a drama with some thriller aspects. The performances are strong. I liked the leads but in particular the girl who played the home nurse was wonderful to watch. The film looks great, it makes Dublin city look like a European capital city. Being from Dublin, this was nice to see in a movie.

The Lobster

Stunningly strange premise that loses it's way
I really loved this film for the first hour. Genuinely thought it was such an interesting concept and I was so excited to see where the story went for the characters. But unfortunately it didn't realise it's full potential, that is not to say it wasn't a good film. Just for me it seemed to lose it's way. I would still highly recommend this film, as it has good performances and it is very different to anything else. It is an experience and makes you think.

An Cailín Ciúin

Charming and beautiful
This is one for a quiet evening. It begins very slow but it is the slowness that captures the beauty of the story. I was captivated by this, as it is hard to find this type of paced films in todays fast moving society. The cinematography is wonderful and really captures the Irishness of the story. One to watch.

Top Gun: Maverick

Best Follow Up Movie I've seen
This film begins in an all too familiar fashion re-introducing us to Maverick. It is like a walk down memory lane, but yet it is present day. The excitement this movie brings, builds from the very first scene. He is the same Maverick he was 36 years ago and we want to go on this journey with him. Excellent film, drama, tension, action, it has it all. Well done to all involved. A true old classic blockbuster, modernised.


Interesting and Entertaining
A fun movie with a serious backdrop regarding elections and how they are financed. The film flows well, with some predictable scenes that make it feel unoriginal, but loved the twist at the end. An enjoyable watch with a good message.

Broken Law

Good film.
I watched this movie online. I meant to catch it when it was in cinema but unfortunately it was released during covid. It is a well paced film that got me interested and invested in the characters early on, which is a huge plus. It is a low budget film and at times you feel that but the story is well told. It is not the most original story but a new take on it brought it to life for me. I would recommend this movie.

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