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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

a good effort
A serial killer stalks the city of Boston and a DR Jeckyll goes to a lawyer claiming to be the serial killer and that he can turn into another person. You have to give this Canadian t.v movie updating of the oft told classic Robert Louis Stevenson tale credit for giving it a fresh approach.This is pleasingly sombre and manages for the most part to be genuinely unsettling straight from the films beginning until it runs out of steam in a courtroom finale.It does offer a different but unsatisfying twist at the end.Dougray Scott in the lead role(s)and in very little makeup to distinquish the two characters is very, very good.A good effort overall.

Bedtime Stories

much much better than i expected
Went to see this with my 9 year old son without much expectation as i am not a great Adam Sandler fan although i don't dislike him ethier, but i do dislike Russell Brand.Was i in for a surprise, i found this movie extremely charming, a real feel good, funny movie. Film almost restores my faith in Hollywood,as i am very discouraged at the moment because i am a great passionate fan of horror movies and all they are doing at the moment is churning out a glut of unnecessary remakes.Anyway back to the subject, the whole cast is charming and look as if they enjoyed themselves and so do the audience ( at least the ones in the cinema i saw it with). a great family film but bizarrely and to me frighteningly Guy Pearce to me looked alarmingly like Cliff Richard.very good entertainment with a lot of laugh out loud moments, and refreshingly no or very little bad language.

Day of the Dead

frankly a mess
Flu like virus hits a town and turns it's victims into flesh eating zombies, small band of survivors fight to survive. Quite frankly, this is a senseless insult to the excellent " Living Dead" films of George A Romero from director Steve Miner.Here the zombies are fast moving, can walk on ceilings, can jump, and have signs of intelligence. I suppose it's an attempt at a different approach at zombies but it doesn't work. Film has a short running time and so skimps on everything including the ending.People moaned about " House Of The Dead"?This is worse, a couple of OK moments but film is not good, and has little to do with the 1985 zombie classic of the same name.

Quantum of Solace

The Songs Bad, The Film's Good
The twenty second James Bond and the most unlike a James Bond film of the series, and that is not a complaint because this is one of the better entries, not the best but it probably is the darkest and most serious of the series so far.It helps if you have seen the previous film "Casino Royale" otherwise it can at times be confusing, but this in my opinion is the better film than the last, which was OK but slightly over rated.There is plenty of action here and as you would expect for a Bond film competent as always.There are a couple of references to past films, blatantly so in the case of "Goldfinger" which is still the best of the series. A shorter, trimmer film,again not a bad thing.Daniel Craig makes a ruthless Bond.good overall.

Dead Set

I Hate BigBrother But I Love This
I don't think there is anything new that can be done with the "zombie film" ( i hope WORLD WAR Z proves me wrong)and this is far from new, but it is one of the best and exciting outlays of the horror genre. Dead set has it all, and for what it is, is very well done, the acting is much better than i expected.Yes, film borrows liberally from other zombie classics notably all the George a Romero films and the new version of " dawn of the dead" and both " 28 Days Later" and " 28 Weeks Later", but in my opinion can hold it's head up proudly as it takes it's place beside them as a zombie classic.It has gore, lashings of humour and is thrilling, and although the climatic sequences completely rip off Romero's " Day Of The Dead" it doesn't cheat and although some reviewers here have said they don't like the ending, for me it concludes the only way it could as a " happier ending" would have lessened the film considerably.For a Channel 4 film, this is very very good and will satisfy horror fans.

La resa dei conti

good stylish spaghetti western
Retired sheriff is persuaded by a politician to come back and hunt down a Mexican who has raped and murdered a twelve year old girl but he slowly realises the Mexican has been framed to cover up the real murderer. Good, stylish spaghetti western,this is the longer uncut version of the film and not the hacked up Amercian version that lost nearly twenty minutes of footage.This has a rather slow start and develops into a chase movie in a kind of western version of "the fugitive".Lee Van Cleef is his usual dependable self and the Ennio Morricone soundtrack is good although i'm not sure about the screeching title song!Film is good and satisfies overall.

North Star

a snow western
In the latter part of the 19th century,Alaska is swamped with people claiming land for goldmines and a struggle ensues between a crooked businessman and a half breed over stolen land. This is in all aspects a western but set in land covered with snow and with sledges more than horses.Film is actually mainly norweigian made but also has other countries involved in it's production,so may even come under the euro western genre.Film is slow paced but also strangely seems rushed at times especially at a rather lacklustre climax.James Caan as the villain of the piece plays it all wide eyed and mad looking which is a little over the top.Some sporadic violence and a couple of OK moments but not enough.


certainly not garbage
In the 22nd century the earth is so full of garbage it becomes uninhabitable, so humans go to live on massive ships in space.Alone robot who was forgotten to be switched off lives a lonely life cleaning up, until one day something happens. The animation on this film is extremely good, and at times does not look like animation at all.Not really a children's film as it has a obvious message although it is rammed down your throat.Film is at times touching and delightful and has lovable characters in WALL*Ehimself and EVA.Film has some funny moments but not as many as you might think.A touch overlong but good overall.

Casino Royale

Far from the best bond, far from the worst
The James Bond franchise was given a big overhaul here to bring it up to date and ironically they went back to the original novel which was the only one not owned by the makers of the original Bond films but was filmed lacklustrely in 1967. Daniel Craig was chosen as the new James Bond and this was met with howls of derision and protest and many thought this was the beginning of the end for the Bond franch, all this before film was released.Daniel Craig does not fit the description of James Bond and is far too small, but he brings an air of menace to the role and is a convincing killer type.Film is less jokey and in a way is more believable but still has many contrived moments, and film is overly complicated and jettisons the novel's plot but retains certain moments in the new version.Some good action scenes and film is well made as you would expect but it does have it's dull moments.Critics went crazy and hailed this as perhaps the best of the series, in my opinion it's far from that, but it's not the worst ethier.

I quattro dell'Apocalisse

A card sharp,a prostitute, an insane negro and a drunkard come out of jail and wander together but fall into the hands of a vicious Indian in the desert and struggle to survive. Extremely uneven and very disappointing spaghetti western that has a reputation of being violent and nasty,it's not, in fact it is slow paced and very little happens.Film is directed by Lucio Fulci who like Dario Argento in my opinion are very over rated by the horror and giallo fans.Film is violent at times, but not enough in my opinion and film is more often sad. The performances are also uneven with Fabio Testi coming off best, but Harry Baird and Lynne Frederick are annoying.Michael J Pollard, one of my least favourite actors is surprisingly at his least annoying here.very disappointing. fair at best.

I tre volti della paura

mario bava's best film
Three macabre tales."the telephone".a woman is plagued by threatening calls but all is not what it seems."the wurdaluk".in 18th century Russia a family wait for their father, now a vampire to come home and claim his loved ones and suck their blood."a drop of water". a nurse robs a corpse of a ring and soon regrets it. This film continuously eluded me for many years and i finally managed to see it in it's original form, beautifully restoredand it's worth the wait. the first story is the weakest, although not without interest. the second is the best , very atmospheric and contains a powerful scary performance from Boris Karloff who plays the lead vampire for the only time in his career and this role is one of his best.The last story is short but creepy and features the most scary corpse you'll ever see in a film.This is easily director Mario Bava's best film.only a silly last scene with Karloff dents it a little.


better than the original
this is a slightly different reinterpretation of the good 1970 film of the same name, rather than a straight forward remake and apart from the ending, this new version is a little better than the original. some good creepy scenes and film doesn't overdo the gore.surprisingly crispin glover, one of my least favourite actors is perfect casting here and gives the best performance of his career so far in my opinion and even garners a lot of sympathy.r lee ermy is effective as the hateful boss and even bears a resemblance to ernest borgnine who played the part in the original film.there are nods to the original film with pictures of bruce davison who was the original willard here used as crispin glover's dead father and also use of the michael jackson song "ben" used in the sequel to willard entitled "ben" in 1972.this was a lot better than expected,overall as like most remakes you think "why bother"? but this is good.

Rocky Balboa

not a disgrace
what does an actor do when his career has come to a virtual standstill?he revives his most famous creations and takes a gamble that could end up with him looking ridiculous.does he? well yes and no because film is the most ridiculous and unbelievable of the series but it still conjures up some magic and is not a disgrace. the fight scenes do not have the ferocity of previous ones but then when you think about it,it's not supposed to and there's no villain to boo here.film at times is inspiring and ironically sylvester stallone gives his best performance of the "rocky" series. let's hope the character does bow out now though. a year later stallone revived rambo.

Plane Dead

good addition to the zombie genre
chaos on a plane that has a body carrying a virus that when it kills, can then revive the dead body and become a ravenous zombie,a small band of survivors on plane battle to survive. this is a silly addition to the recently revived zombie genre of recent years, this one has a frankly ridiculous premise and at first looks as if it is going to be awful, but it is in fact great fun.the gore and a few moments of suspense are there,and most of all film has a wicked sense of humourand even manages a couple of intentional belly laughs.a demented mix of any recent zombie film,disaster movies and "airplane".overall result is good fun.


surprisingly impressive spaghetti western
Impressive,stylish spaghetti western with a little bit of everything thrown in and never a dull moment.film has action,humour,nudity,plenty of pretty women,and violence some of which is quite brutal.there are quite a few scenes where the violence is towards women and it's not a film feminists will take to,but the most gruesome violence is saved for the climax involving the chief villain which will go some way to equal the score.film also features an almost unrecognisable Ringo Starr the drummer from the legendary "beatles"as the brother of the bandit leader,he certainly looks the part,and of course does not speak in his native "liverpudlian" voice.frankly this film has a ridiculous premise of a blind gunfighter but it works.film is immensely entertaining and one of the best spaghetti westerns.

The Sadist

unheralded classic b movie
This is a neglected,unheralded little suspenser, cheaply made and it must be said very raw at times, but it also manages some good moments and fairly tense scenes.The acting is erratic at best and you don't really feel for any of the characters as a result, but film is still strangely effective and although not especially violent, film must have been shocking for it's time.Arch Hall junior plays a villain for the only time in his undistinguished career and gives easily his finest performance,he is very convincing at times and his body language in the role is excellent.If there is a criticism of his performance he does overdo the gurning in some scenes.A good uncompromising film that deserves a lot more credit.

28 Weeks Later

a lot better than 28 days later
This sequel to " 28 Days Later"is much,much better than the OK first film.This takes the first film's premise even further and is a rarity these days, a film that manages to be believable,thrilling and frightening.Film has many good, thrilling moments e.g the first zombie attack at the house, the escape by boat, the snipers shooting at the crowds and best of all,the army helicopter cutting it's way gorily through a mass of the infected.There are many more scenes that are good and film's running time at 95 minutes isn't really enough and how many films can you say that about these days?For a horror film this is very well acted by a mostly unfamiliar cast, although both Robert Carlyle and Catherine Mccormack acquit themselves well.Much has been made by producer Danny Boyle that they are not zombies but there is no doubt to me they are.Film borrows liberally from other zombie classics as the first film did i.e George Romero's zombie classics notably the original "Dawn of the Dead".Easily the best British film financed with the aid of lottery money.


good but not great epic
This is one weird film,probably not for all tastes that is unlike any other Ancient Greece "Sword & Sandal"epic.It's based on a Frank Miller graphic novel and you have never seen the Persian army portrayed on the screen as it is here,like they are monsters.Film has very little to do with facts and history apart from the bare bones facts.Film's battle scenes are brutal and up close and personal as it must have been in many ancient battles over the centuries and impressive, if at times artificial as is the feeling you get throughout most of the film and the first half an hour or so is quite frankly dull.Film comes to life in the battle scenes and at the film's climax where it is the only time you feel any sense of bravery and emotion.Through all it's faults film is still good as a spectacle but for a lot of the time looks like a computer game, which may be the point.A good film but not great and it is to be honest over rated.It is fascinating,epic,and a spectacular spectacle and certainly a film experience.

The Guardian

Familiar theme, competently done
This is a familiar themed road to tread for this film along the lines of "veteren cop teaming up with rookie"but here transferred to coastguards.Film takes it's time in getting going and is maybe a little overlong,and it is certainly at times hokey and cliché ridden in it's Amercian way, but it's well enough done and keeps the interest.There isn't a lot of action and the two main characters after initial conflict, bond together too easily for believability.If you are of a cynical nature you may accuse it of having a scent of homosexuality but i suppose you could say that of many "buddy" films.Overall verdict,watchable if nothing new or special.

Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film

nothing new to be learnt here, but engrossing
Documentary tracing the history of the slasher movie from 1960 with " Peeping Tom" and "Psycho" through to the present day( or near enough).Based on the book of the same name,this documentary it must be said offers nothing new and much of it is recycled to the point of tedium for the knowledgeable horror film fan.Film is quite extensive and covers pretty much all chapters and interviews all the directors and producers from the first wave of slasher films from 1978 to 1984.There are plenty of scenes from the classics of the genre and is clearly made with respect for the genre.The film is for horror fans of which i am one to wallow in nostalgia and purely for this, film is a success.Good.

Spirit Trap

stick to the singing Billie
Tedious, pointless, amateurish British made mess of a movie that has nothing going for it, and that includes it's so called "star" Billie Piper.The former pop star turned actress here appearing " pre Dr Who"where she did find some success as Dr Who's sidekick, but in " spirit trap" given her first starring role or more tellingly her only cinema "starring role" she certainly does not light up the screen in anyway.She in fact, is easily overshadowed in sexiness by Emma Catherwood anyway and since this film she has gone to mostly TV work,which i do not wish to pass judgement on as i have not seen any of it.I can however pass judgement on "spirit trap" and the verdict is awful.

Legends of the Fall

perhaps Brad Pitts best performance
Sprawling,epic tale spanning the last years of the 19th century to the 1930's and full of incident which you would expect in a melodrama.Film perhaps overdoes the melodrama to almost Shakespearean proportions at times,it works very well overall.Film is helped very much by the performances of the four main leads and this was the film that made Brad Pitt a star, and he gives perhaps his best performance of his career so far.Aidan Quinn quietly steals the acting honours though.The scenes of World War 1 conflict are pretty well done and make you wish there were more of them.Only the film's rather disappointing,rushed ending prevents this from being excellent in my opinion. very good.

The Butterfly Effect 2

in my opinion
This is not really a sequel to the good, fascinating original, this is just a Canadian made watered down rehash version.Film could never hope to capture the mood,the emotion and the impact of the original film.That said, this has it's moments and isn't in my opinion a complete loss,it's just that you know what's coming.Capably performed on a noticeably low budget,unlike the original film the ending here does not pack an emotional wallop.Watchable but it wasn't really in the same class. A fascinating context to cover in these films,but a note to the producers,i am not sure how well this film did at the box office, and if there are any plans for any more sequels.Leave it at this, no more please.

The Flintstones

a little rocky
Live action film of the classic 1960's Hanna Barbara cartoon series which ran for many years until it was beaten in longevity by "The Simpsons" a series that does bear some similarities with the Flintstones.The film starts well and is pleasant enough but loses momentum at the half way point, despite game efforts from a cast that seems to be enjoying itself.In my opinion John Goodman and Rosie O'Donnell being the nearest to being like their cartoon characters Fred Flintstone and Betty Rubble.Elizabeth Perkins and Rick Moranis are less successful but Perkins and especially Halle Berry are decorative.A reasonably fair effort but lacks that certain something to make it come off completely.

Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep

deadly water
uneven,corny but watchable Canadian made "creature feature" movie that starts off promisingly, a'la "Jaws"but then goes into familiar,well trodden territory.Film's subplot that the giant squid is a guardian of the treasure that the film's protagonists seek is not convincing.The creature effects are just standard,no more than that and the look of the creature's tentacles make it look more like an octopus, than a squid.If anyone watching this was not aware it is a TV movie they would soon deduce this as it has fade in's for commercial breaks every now and again.The squid despite being termed a"monster" in fact,looks quite ordinary at times.Film is forgettable but watchable if rather contrived.

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