
IMDb member since July 2022
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    IMDb Member
    1 year, 11 months



Just no
I turned off The Goat when some of the players started interrogating the other players, insisting on knowing who didn't vote with the alliance. What the heck is that about? We have watched every episode of The Traitors, and it's a must see in our house. We love The Traitors. We had hoped that this show would be similar. Well it's not, it's not even close. The missions are weak, the players are unlikeable and Tosh isn't even remotely funny. This show is just a huge waste of time.

This is possibly the worse reality game show that I have ever seen, it exemplifies what's wrong with American TV today.


Binging now on Netflix...
I truly loved both season 1 and season 2. The characters are well written and the story lines were interesting and creative. Season 3 started to lean a little bit too political for my taste. And now Season 4 is starting out as if it was ripped right from the headlines.

In general, I watch TV to escape the stress and pressures of the day, and I believe that a lot of others do too. And I also watch TV for the entertainment value. I'm not finding this entertaining anymore. The stereotypes are disturbing. I for one am hoping that the remaining episodes of Supergirl stop with the need to be so political and 'real', and get back to being entertaining again. So clearly one-sided. Such a shame.

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