
IMDb member since May 2007
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Seeing Other People

Good movie.
Plot: Ed and Alice are engaged. They live together and are living the dull life. He has slept around before meeting Alice. She has a lot less experience. She decides she needs to sleep around before marrying. He very reluctantly agrees they should both see other people for a while.

At first he is not really into it. His wild days are behind him and he is simply content. Until one day Alice comes back and tells him she made out with some random guy; who of course starts to fall for her.

Of course this is a BAD idea which causes extreme strain on the relationship.

Good movie. You can see the train wreck coming but still good.

Worth a rental.

Spring Break 24/7

Gets a 2 only because I reserve 1's for movies like Date Movie.

Bad. Boring. Dumb. If you are renting it for the T&A, forget it. There is better elsewhere.

Nikki goes to one set of spring break places and 2 guys go to another set. The guys end up in lousy places. She ends up at all the parties. Dumb bad things happen to the guys.

"Plot": People drink. A bit of (not all that great) female nudity here and there. Bad things happen to the 2 guys. People do drunk things. The end.

Not worth renting even if you have the unlimited 2-in 2-out rental deals.


Crank ROCKS!
I LOVE this movie! Don't expect much realism, but, hey this is an action picture and it doesn't get so far into the silly realm of unrealistic as some others can.

The main character has been given a lethal poison and has an hour to live. During that hour he must get his revenge, say good bye to his girlfriend, and go out with style.

He does all three. This film starts strong, grabs you by the ***** and keeps going to the end. It has some good funny parts as a bonus. It got a bit unrealistic at parts but was forgivable because the action was in your face and the story was good.

If you are an action fan: Worth a rental. Worth a buy!

The Marine

Full of unbelievable action!
VERY VERY unbelievable. This one made Crank look realistic. Typical family member is kidnapped and toughguy goes after bad guys film. This film is extremely unrealistic even by action film standards.

Marine singlehandedly rescues a bunch of hostages in Iraq and is discharged for it. Yea the public hates its heroes and allows the military to drum them out. Yea the military would do it in the first place. Not quite sure how he wasn't hit by a single bullet coming from a half dozen weapons firing at him. Drives a car hit by 100++ shots and not hit himself. Uh huh. Yea. Right. The car keeps going after being hit 100 times. Uh huh. Yea. Clings to the side of a truck while its driven though the side of a building. Uh huh. Yea.

Cheezy can work. It does not in this case. Only worth renting if you have one of those unlimited 2 in- 2 out rental deals.

Might have been a 4 star review if everyone had died at the end.

Date Movie

One of the single worst movies ever
This one gets into the "wow" category of bad. I thought you would have to try to get this bad.

Comedy? Are you kidding me? I never even smiled at one of the lame jokes. Dumb toilet humor. Dumb parodies. Was this thing written by the two dumbest writers of Scary Movie? Awful.

Can I have my 90 minutes back? Not worth taking out even if you are on one of the unlimited 2 in 2 out rental plans and it costs you nothing. So bad it wastes the 1 second you scan over it on the movie racks at the movie store. So bad I just cost you another 30 seconds of your life reading about this piece of poo. I apologize.

U2: Under a Blood Red Sky

Where time, place, and a rapidly rising future headline band came together
U2 does an early concert at Red Rocks in Colorado. The concert was almost canceled due to rain and low temperatures. The concert went on because they were ready to do a bunch of filming and had sunk so much time and money into it. The result added fog to the mix of location and great music and it made magic.

This concert video might well had not been so good without all things including the fog, coming together. Not as polished as later efforts, but you can see a future headliner even at this point in time.

They need to get this video out onto DVD in region 1.

Worth a rental and a buy

The Girl Next Door

Good. Better than you would think.
Plot, Teenager spies on neighbor girl who sees him spying. She comes to confront him but does not call him out in front of his parents. They find they like each other and go out. They eventually fall for each other but she has "debts" to repay to her manager. Eventually they win and get together.

Overall fairly predictable but there were a number of plot twists in this film most people will not see coming. The story is a much higher quality than typical teen romp comedies.

If you are buying this to see Elisha Cuthbert's goods. Don't bother. She does not do real nudity in this film.

Worth a rental

Music and Lyrics

Wish I could give it 8.5, but, it is not quite a 9 but still a big winner.

Well worn plot: Cynical protagonist given impossible task and amateur Savant-like help overcomes odds and wins. And simply put. This movie pulls it off.

Acting is good. Most will cheer for the the characters to win. Many inside jokes about the 1980s music scene. Has to be seen twice to catch most of them.

I liked it and I am not big into the romantic part of romantic comedy.

Be sure to watch the credits for the "Pop Up Video" bubbles at the end telling the eventual fates of the characters.

Worth a rental and worth a buy.

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