
IMDb member since August 2022
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There are better looking fanfilms.
I feel like this movie was made by a group of friends rather than professional actors. Also I've seen fan films with better CGI. This is pretty horrible. The acting was incredibly wooden and amateur. You can tell they are just standing in front of a green screen reciting lines.

Again, not enough can be said about the CGI. There are fanfilms with zero budget and working on a home PC that can produce far better CGI than what we are seeing in this film. The story could have been interesting but the writing unfortunately is woefully bad, preventing any chance of an interesting story being presented to us.

Paper Girls

Entertaining but not the next Stranger Things
It's a fun series with an interesting story. It does get a lot of comparison to Stranger Things for good reason but it's not nearly as good. It is however a fun show and worth a watch.

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