Reviews (10)

  • This is probably the worst Sci-Fi movie I've seen in years... - Pity as it really had potential considering the Actors involved. Above all, the story is totally insane! Just ask yourself - why would a technologically superior race be a monarchy? Wakanda is a peaceful race, yet they have weapons that can easily obliterate the Earth. The whole society is deeply traditional that even their king can be challenged to a duel where he/she can be killed... Nothing, really nothing in this film makes sense. This is one of those blockbusters you watch today, and tomorrow you will not remember a single good thing about it, so save your time and find a better movie to see.
  • Adulthood is yet another crime/drama film from UK which tries (and fails in my humble opinion) to capture street life. It is obviously written by a person who has no idea about London underground. Shame that person is the very person who is the main actor, director and writer - Noel Clarke. I must admit I had higher hopes for this film when I saw Noel among the list of actors. Unfortunately I must say that Noel's acting in this film is of the same "quality" as his directing and writing - POOR.

    Seriously, this film has no meaning, no message, nothing. It is a film made for a sole purpose to make something out of nothing. Usually such attempts result in - NOTHING. Luckily there are people who have no brains all around the world, so I guess people behind this project target that of audience.

    If you are a teenager fool of anger, and/or you can identify with aggressive gang or drug-dealers wannabes, or small-scale criminals, this film might be for you, if you are a person who wants SOMETHING of artistic value, you might want to try some other (crime) film. This is yet another film for which I really wish I could have given a zero, if I could...
  • I wanted to spend my Saturday night relaxing, and watching some decent comedy. A friend suggested "The Onion Movie", so I got it, pressed play, and right after few seconds of watching I already know this is going to be a major disaster. But, I was a brave man, and I continued, dedicated to test myself and see for how long I could watch this crap before I pressed the contingency button "stop". Believe it or not, I did not - I was amazed by the amount of crap Hollywood can come with in hope they will make something funny... It is impossible to describe in words. You must see this film just to understand how desperate USA film industry is, how fake, and stereotype. Unfortunately, I cannot give it a DESERVED ZERO, but ONE would do because there were few enjoyable seconds.

    My advice: NEVER suggest this film to a friend, because You might lose her/him!
  • Even now, few days after seeing this film, I wonder what is the point of it? The only reasonable explanation I came-up with so far, is - to show-off. Honestly, I expected something totally different from Nadia Bjorlin, after her excellent performance in "Days Of Our Lives". So, instead of "something more" I faced a "Too Fast, Too Furious" wannabe competitor, with, even for Hollywood, cheesy story, explaining where all those billions of money spent in this industry go. This is most likely Eddie Griffin's the worst performance ever, too. Same with Nathan Phillips, from whom, to be frank, I did not expect better.

    0 out of 10.
  • This is, well, brainless. Young, chaotic, hysteric girl, trying to accomplish something and yet nothing - we never get to know and even the character doesn¨t know. Nikola Djuricko and Boris Milivojevic were excellent though and they were basically the hight of the movie. Ljubisa Samardzic - please stick to the acting, not directing!
  • Cradle of life is much better than the first one, although it could've been done little bit better. Action is missing on several places.

    On the other hand, Gerard and ANgelina have incredible fire between them, couple is simply great.
  • "Vidocq" perfectly shows up how good European cinematography truly is. I enjoyed unique story, unique photography, and visual effects. This movie is one of a kind! "Vidocq" is A MUST SEE movie if you like this genre!
  • I watch Bambi every year, few times per year, and I repeatedly enjoy it. In the present days I always as myself - do authors of these-days animated movies watch Bambi? Disney team that made Bambi in 1942 should be proud of themselves. Making such movie without equipment they have now probably was great adventure. Personally I believe they made better animated movie than most companies these days...
  • This movie is one of the best YAAS movies I have seen recently. - Good actors, great effects, even music is great and everything is full of action. It keeps watchers focused on USA flag all the time. Sure, like as always USA saves the world from catastrophe. - God save us all.
  • The Dark Crystal is one of the best epic fantasy movies I have seen since "The Fellowship of the Ring"... Storytelling, scenario, actors, voices are fabulous. If You are fantasy-lover, movie-lover this movie is A-MUST-HAVE-MOVIE in You collection!