
IMDb member since June 2007
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    17 years



What a Nice Surprise(!)
I haven't liked any TV network shows in ages -- but I loved Elsbeth. It's an updated female Columbo-type character who keeps challenging and surprising us. She seems daffy -- as she overtly plays Cat and Mouse with an ingenious murderer.

The show mixes dark elements with enough humor to keep it light and entertaining. Reminds me of the "good old days," when I actually looked forward to turning on the television.

Great energy. It's nice to see a quality, character-driven show again.

They totally nailed every Beat and Plot Twist. Top notch writing and performances. I'm so glad the Kings are back...

Jojo Rabbit

A Weirdly Wonderful Film
Third generation German American, I was resistant to seeing this film. I remember asking European relatives -- as only a child would -- "Why did you follow Hitler?" Their answer: "He told us we were the most important country in the World, he'd make us great again -- and rich."

With what's going on in our Country now -- I understand those people much better...


Charming movie -- loved hearing the Beatles songs -- but it landed with a complete non-ending. I was confused and unsatisfied...

City Homicide

Can't Stop Watching
Didn't expect to like it. Now I can't stop watching. Especially good plot lines and strong performances. Why haven't I ever heard of this show???

Hats off to the Aussies...!

DCI Banks

Why Haven't I Heard about this Show?
DCI Banks is an unknown gem of a series. Wonderful characters, intriguing stories, moody tone with lots of emotion. Once I found it, I watched six seasons in two weeks.

Case Histories

Why haven't I heard of this show before?
Yes, stories tie together with a number of coincidences, but they make it work. Fast moving, excellent characters and truly surprising twists and turns. I was HOOKED from the first episode...


Very Chandleresque
Colorful characters and edgy ironic humor. Truly unexpectedly twists and turns, with occasional shocking violence. Wonderful writing and acting. I binge watched season 5. Can't wait for season 6.

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