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House of the Dragon: The Green Council
Episode 9, Season 1

This episode had season 8 GOT vibes all over it.
Almost nothing about this episode made any sense and gave some serious season 8 GOT vibes. Why would Rhaenys bust through the floor of the dragon pit and slaughter a bunch of innocent civilians? It's not in her character at all, but then she decided to be merciful and let the entire cabal of traitors live instead of stopping the civil then and there? Why are dragons able to bust through the floors of the dragon pitt anyways? It's supposed to hold the dragons in the pitt, but it clearly isn't strong enough to do that. Why did the soldiers try and keep the dying civilians in the pitt? The entire premise around the dueling kings guard made no sense either. What would of happened differently if Otto's man got to Aegon first? Why were they even fighting each other if they both had the exact same mission to bring him to the red keep? The writing was awful this episode. And would it kill the team to add a bit of nudity back to this show? That was one of main draws from the original series and in this one we get weird foot fetish scenes instead.

House of the Dragon

Fantastic show
Fantastic show and great cast. Matt Smith is killing it as a Targaryeon. It'll be sad when the time skip happens and we lose Milly Alcock.

Art direction, cinematography ,costumes, are great. This is supposed to be the height of the Targaryen's power and one of the opening shots shows King's Landing from aerial view (dragon rider's POV) which I think is very effective and grand.

But there are still some excellent scenes thought the episode and it's setting up to be a great series. I already know everything that will happen but will enjoy watching it get fleshed out and seeing new things or changed things.

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