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Like Water

great documentary for a great sport
I was lucky enough to be able to watch this film on a preview disc distributed to DVD/video stores across my country. I am a long term fan of UFC and have been watching the UFC events since the beginning, starting with the small amount of rules, being an underground brutal competition of warrior vs warrior without weight divisions and regulations featuring fighters such as Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock, Marc Coleman etc. However little did i ever think about the actual person fighting in front of me.

What this Documentary offers is a first hand account and journey into the life of champion fighter Anderson Silva.

The Documentary starts at the time of the controversial UFC 112 fight between Anderson Silva and Demian Maia and follows the fall out that followed with what some people considered a disappointing performance and the leading up to the next title defense event at UFC 117 against Chael Sonnen.

It goes beyond the octogon and delves into the complex life of a world champion fighter looking to redeem himself in the eyes of the public and his employer and the family man behind the fighter. Giving a good insight into the comradarie within the fighting community especially within specific fighting camps/gyms.

Overall A very good film Next time i watch a Anderson Silva fight i'll have a different mindframe.

Nostradamus: Beyond the Prophecies

Amazing DVD
I purchased this DVD for $4.99 at the Local Cheapo crappy store. May i say that i was impressed with the documentary shown.

It goes into Nostradamus History and life before his prophecies. It goes into his Prophecies regarding the death of Henry 2, the Fall of London in 1666, the 3 Antichrists as well as advances in warfare and modern technology, the moon landing, Presisdent Kennedy, his death and conspiracy as well as the links to his brothers and their fate. There are many more topics discussed and some interesting theories presented in the prophecies, though some may appear to be a bit dated.

Overall a good and interesting DVD a must see for any Nostradamus fan.

Alien Gods

a different point of view
This documentary DVD offers other points of view on god and the creation of life rather then the stock standard Bible and other holy books have offered. People may look and ridicule such ideas and beliefs, though take a step back and see if through another persons eyes your own beliefs do not look strange and fantastic. The documentary goes into the Raelians, the Urantia movement, the Aetherius society and a snapshot at historical UFO encounters long forgotten that are viewable if you look for them, noting the Nazca plains being messages to the gods. It also dabs a little into the Heavens gate cult and other such cult movement. The main point to the DVD is too put forth the idea that Aliens not as we all know them or that are portrayed in film have had a hand in the creation of man in its own image and that through documents such as the bible these claims can be verified. That there may or may not be a spiritual realm that we are a part of and may or may not go there depending on our deeds.

Overall its not a bad DVD. It offers an alternative look at the Big Question.

Watch it for yourself and make up your own mind.

The Secret NASA Transmissions: The Smoking Gun

very interesting
I stumbled upon this gem of a DVD today and had to get my hands on it. So i went out and bought it as well as "the truth about UFO's in Russia", "Ufo's 50 years of denial", "tunguska the Russian Roswell" and "the secret evidence we are not alone" all of which cost me $5.00 a piece... in total a $25.00 investment.

This Documentary has some really good raw footage taken directly from the NASA transmissions hence the title. It introduces interesting ideas and theories with raw footage and allows the viewer to make their own decision on what they are seeing. I have seen some of this footage as bootleg ufo videos on the internet before and it was finally good to see the footage in its entirety.

The documentary does not involve the blurry handy cam corder and pie plate jobs seen on footage taken on earth and as the title states is majority footage taken by NASA themselves.

There are a few minor draw backs in the DVD such as the narration and or the chosen sound track as well as quality/composition but that is not the point to this documentary.

I am not one who has been "probed" by aliens or one who has either been in contact or believed they may have been in contact with aliens though after viewing this DVD in my opinion, it will makes you wonder and question what you are seeing and then the big question of are we alone out there.

Beam me up Scottie. 8/10

The Redemption: Kickboxer 5

not a very good end to this series
Kickboxer 5 isn't the best movie out there...it is by far not the worst.

The Kickboxer franchise missed its superstar Van Damme after Kickboxer. Though most fans really enjoyed the sequels with the charismatic Sasha Mitchell (David Sloane) who was good at fighting and good at comedy and despised the beastly Tiger Tong po character from 1 and 2.

This title has neither Van Damme, Mitchell or Tong po. We can also forgive KickBoxer 4 from switching the tong po character star Michael Qissi, though this movie barely connects to the kickboxer franchise, the only connection is a weak Six degrees of separation to the character of David sloane which is obviously mentioned to justify the title.

The movie seemed like a very poorly produced title to try and make a bit of a profit from the cult following this series has, as well as to appeal to the straight to DVD audience/market.

Costs are now down due to the removal of Mitchell. The shooting location of South Africa confirms how the costs were kept down, The lead actor Mark Dacoscos seems like a talented Martial Artist and stars in this movie with Geoff Meed and james Ryan. The action is Very good and fast paced, a small concern is the fact that all the stars appear to be doing other styles of fighting instead of Kickboxing or Muay ti.

Overall the movie ain't to bad. It is a let down compared to the other Kickboxer films. I believe the title grab of Kickboxer 5 was more a money grab to receive more profits, when without the references to the Sloane family and the Kickboxer name as well as a bit more drama/character development this film could have easily Stood Alone and Made the same money without the kickboxer name.

Overall 4/10

Scarecrow Slayer

Its pretty bad
I paid $2.00 for this movie which is part of the 3 movie scarecrow series. "Scarecrow", "Scarecrow slayer" and "Scarecrow gone wild" all released around the same time with the wicked cover art and the re-hash concept of scary scarecrows promising a good scare. I haven't liked a scarecrow movie since "scarecrows" 1988 horror title and such a creature is something that can truly scare the crap out of a young mind.

This movie blows. The story/plot was very weak The acting was very poor The casting of actors was bad. The costumes/wardrobe were laughable. (the sheriff outfits/the "hottie" top, the "marines" etc) The Sticker sheriff logo on the car wasn't even stuck on right. The music/score was bad... i would have expected some hard rock or metal music.... nothing. The "special effects" were one of the worst i have EVER seen.

Overall its a bad D grade Horror film. I have given it 3 because I've seen worse and im feeling generous


I purchased this DVD for $2.00 at the local cheapo store. I noticed straight away that it featured Sasha Mitchell (who i have watched since the Kickboxer sequels 2 3 and 4) and as that Character Cody from that TV show i cant remember the name of. Its good to see he was still in shape and morphing those Karate skills into the wrestling world.

It stars Justin Whalin (dungeons and dragons) and Zachary Bryan (home improvement) as a couple of wrestling fanatics wanting to break into the bar room wrestling scene and live the dreams of being a wrestler and manager, instead of working in the bar/wrestling club watching the women go bye and knowing if given a chance they could make it big and Put on a better show. The movie was not made to be taken too seriously, it contains the typical teen movie "must haves" ingredients Partys, beer, bongs, boobs, wet T shirt comps, fighting etc and integrates the cult sport of wrestling into the feature.

There are many scenes that are entertaining and funny the casting of tommy "tiny" Lister was a good choice as well.

The plot of the film wasn't the best, but overall i was entertained. The sounds track wasn't too bad as well with some good songs. Overall 6/10

Grand Theft Auto IV

A very excellent game..... with some small issues
I've been playing the GTA series since the initial GTA on Playstation 1 I have watched the game evolved from the top view into the brilliance it is today. I am a huge fan and own all the titles. GTA 4 on ps3 is a very good game, the storyline is very interesting and keeps you wanting more, the game has evolved with a few new changes made to gameplay with a new type of gun fighting technique added (relying on cover), the Internet and mobile phones have been added to the game which is itself very cool and very interesting, there is now the benefit of calling a cab and skipping to you destination instead of driving across 3 cities to get to the wayward point.... though in the past this was a good way to find secrets and new things so the choice is up to you, you can pick up small items (not as equipped items) and there is the sixaxis control that can be utilized on the ps3.

The game has its fair share of cool characters developing into an amazing story leaving you with the feeling and need to know what will happen next this is shown with the amount of hours you spend in this fantastic world. The Characters including some for your lovelife interact with to achieve your overall goal for coming to liberty city.

I will point out a few things that i think are missing that would have made this game destroy san andreas

You cannot control Niko's weight like in san andreas, There isn't as much a variety of clothes to wear. The gambling side of it is not present(for Niko). The driving of vehicles is A LOT more difficult, There are no ambulance,fire, train,trucker, tri-athelon or burglary missions, however there are many other things that are present that are new additions to this wonderful franchise that are not present in other GTA titles.

Originally i was upset at there being NO planes in this game, though after reading why...the city being based upon New york/new jersey and that unlike San andreas...where you are going from las venturas to san andreas with huge space to cover, the idea of flying a plane over a much smaller distance is not realistic, so i understand why there are no planes and that the more realistic approach was Helicopters. I was also baffled at the driving of cars...which is now REALLY hard, this is actually a good thing because it adds more realism to the game when driving to make the experience feel more real. After a while u realize that you cannot turn a Sharp corner with the gas peddle floored and that maybe you need to slow down when dodging the traffic.

I will say that even with the above mention floors, the game itself boarders on being one of the best games ever created, there many other small things added that sort of make up for the above being not present.

It would be good if Rockstar decided to re-release GTA san andreas on the ps3 with improved graphics and extended storyline... we all miss CJ and would love an upgraded version of that. Overall 9/10

Dr. Chopper

dr chopper ...now I've seen everything
i paid $2.00 for this piece of crap, i want my money back. it is a d grade horror movie that isn't so groovy

There are many MANY floors in this film, including the acting, the lack of actual horror, the lack of nudity (which besides the starting Nurse (porno outfit) and the still breathing nude corpse flash, there is none.

The sound track maybe is the best thing because it has some upbeat sorta guitar riffs/tracks.

There are your usual typical characters, the jock, the jocks woman, the nerdy guy (who looks more like a jock), the rookie cop/ranger (who has the biggest gap in his teeth i wanted to slip a few dollar coins into that gap..or go for a field goal) the mysterious fella and the Pure girl.

The make up was pitiful with side views of dr chopper showing a clear "make up line"and natural skin tones, the cover art to the DVD is clearly photoshop/enhanced to make the cover more enticing as Dr chopper looks like an old "plopper" The scraggy women that hang around Dr chopper are not explained and or look convincing like the rest of this movie.

The plot twist was VERY predictable and the abundance of bad looking FAKE limbs was laughable, what did they think,.... um throw some limbs around and some fake blood and you have a horror film.

Dr chopper himself is the most stupid character created I've seen in a while, though original i believe that the creator of this film was strained for ideas and possibly tried to use the rhyme Doctor and chopper (bike) and thought "bingo" ill make a crappy movie about that.

I've seen worse before..... but this is just plain bad.. everything about it is bad... the lack of suspense...the lack of actual horror or character development... the lack of a decent storyline ...the only thing good about this film was when it finished. This film doesn't fall into the category ïts so bad its good" for me either/

Overall 2/10 the director/writer/editor should know better.


what else can i say that hasn't already been said
I bought this DVD for $2.00 at the local variety warehouse. The creepy clown cover and quote "he's not clowning around"took my eye with a hope of either a Horror/slasher or possibly a b grade movie that might have some laughs.

Man was i mistaken. This movie might be OK to see if you had smoked some wicked herb or taken some acid, though because i hadnt it just made me angry.

The story/plot was not original and the constant use of similar sounding riffs to the john carpenter halloween theme and the ëxcorcist theme quickly became annoying.

Alice witnessed the death of her son or did she? Was it the good clown,bad clown an evil serial killer or herself? I don't know if this film was SUPPOSED to be open for interpretation if this was the writer/directors master plan... i don't think it was.

maybe i am not really here typing this review and i am secretly in some mental hospital thinking about writing this review?.

Overall this film blows.


Night of the Demons III

ehhh i paid $2 for this DVD
I bought this movie for $2 at the local variety warehouse, the cover looked pretty cool and like many times before I've bought it on the cover, though i should know a cool cover doesn't mean the content will be good. The version i have got is called Demon House, i was surprised to see that it is actually part 3 in an ongoing series "night of the demons" The opening Credits were not the best show of special effects, sort of a mix between 80's effects and power cartoon effects.

The plot and or story was very simple to follow, the film had the stereotypical variety of cast members, "the cheerleader", the "not so good looking friend" the "slut", the "nerd" the "rebel", the "good guy" "the badguy"and the "token black guy".

The sound was crap with noticeable discrepancies in the soundtrack and the actors mouth, the slapbass song at the start rocked though, the gore was mediocre, i didn't know blood was that shade of red. There were an abundance of boobs which i think is good.

Overall there were many a scene that is so bad it must be good, but in hindsight is just bad.

Plot 4/10 gore 5/10 sound 4/10 (slapbass bit rocked) casting 5/10

overall 5/10 (im being generous)


Atari 2600 classic
I played this game when i was 6 years old so many times. It involved an endurance car race where you are required to complete stages passing literally hundreds of cars in different conditions (day and night) with different weather patterns also.

It is the basic car on the stick game where the scenery moves and you avoid any possible collisions.

Graphics 2/10 (8/10 for 1983) Gameplay 5/10 (10/10) Sound 2/10 (8/10)

I loved this game so much as a kid though compared to todays consoles its laughable a true blast from the past, im sure some more people out there must remember this classic

Hyper Olympic

great game
This game is awesome. I remember my friend getting this game as a Christmas present, little did his parents know we sneaked in everyday after school and played it for months before Christmas.

The game consisted of olympic events such as fencing, judo, horizontal bar, long jump, high jump, high dive amongst many others.

The graphics were pretty good for a NES game and the gameplay was great in either a single player mode or with multiple players.

I still have a copy of this game floating around somewhere.

I look back very fondly at this game.

8 out of 10

A Dangerous Place

not too bad
I picked up this movie as part of a 10 pack action DVD pack. Now all the title in this pack consisted of movies that i had never seen before, i thought id give it a go.

The movie plot/story wasn't too original but what teen karate movies are original i instantly thought of movies such as karate kid, no retreat no surrender amongst many others.

The fight scenes were done fairly well with the main character doing most of his own fighting scenes, the movie reminded me of old 80's movies, thought it was made in 95.

PLot 6 sound 7 (some good songs) FIghting/action 7

Overall not a bad effort

Mr. Jingles

what a piece of crap
I bought this Movie at a cheap discount warehouse in Australia for two dollars, the cover looked very cool and the idea of a killer clown seemed (though not original) something that might be entertaining.

What a mistake, the acting is awful the victims still seem to be moving and breathing, the make up is pitiful, the lighting is bad, the sound is bad (gunshots sound like a toy cap gun) Don't mistake my comment for one of those ïts so bad it must be cool comments, its so bad its just plain terrible.

I cannot begin to describe how bad this movie is, the camera work is so bad using the old trick of editing and cutting to create gore, the sound is very bad, the acting is bad, the story,effects,directing,plot is all bad.

Basically this movie sucks, i give it 1 because you cannot give a lower score

California Games

brings back memories
This game was amazing at the time it came out. It contained many different Summer sport activities such as skateboarding, surfing, bmx stunt bike, footbag, roller skating and frisbee The game had its own incentive based bonuses with the mini game (tile spinning) obtaining better footbags or better surfboards etc.

The skating/bmx/surfing had many tricks that were available to perform. IM not to sure if this game was available on snes, i know i used to play it in Megadrive/genisis and possible Sega master system.

California Games to this day holds fond memories, the graphics compared to today are laughable though at the time were top of th line.

A must for all Kids

Du bi quan wang da po xue di zi

I have just bought this movie and may i say that it is absolutely amazing, I've seen it late on TV before and missed most of the movie at that time and have read a lot of the hype about this title being one of the best Kung fu flicks of all time.

I only just found the restored edition to buy and was blown away by the film, the camera work/shots were awesome and the kung fu was possibly the best I've seen come out of films from that era.

I cannot say enough about the film, i am so happy to own it and will now put it along side my other kung fu classics It is a shame that this film has only just been found again and that more people have not seen it.

I have rated it 10 /10

America bangmungaeg

Absolute garbage
I picked up this movie as part of a "10 classic kung fu movies" DVD pack, from the start i knew it would not have the real bruce lee in the film, i at least thought that it would contain a story based upon him and then maybe one of the more better bruceplotation doubles like li or dragon lee.

Was i wrong, his movie has the first scene and only that scene to do with Bruce lee... his grave stone hit by lightening.

The movie itself is badly done, the camera work, dubbing, lighting, acting, amongst man other things is terrible, the plot is weak and sometimes difficult to follow, either that or boredom was sinking in and i missed it. I feel that the real bruce lee would be turning in his grave if he ever thought that his name would be put to something like this.

Some of the Kung fu was good, though some obvious missed kicks and punches were noticeable and the camera work and angles spoiled it.

What else can i really say, i don't think this movie was any good and think that i will not be getting my hour and 25 minutes back.

2 out of 10

Da chu tou

Not bad.....yet not that good
I found this movie hard to follow, i could not determine who the main character was, was it the bruce lee look alike? or the new stranger in town, or is it the villains? .. i don't know Overall the kung fu wasn't that bad, yet wasn't that good either, there were a few flaws with the camera work and the fight scenes amongst other things.

Its a good surprise seeing Bolo Yeung in this film if only for a short cameo and the Bruce lee lookalike looked REALLY good.... looks/body/face and mannerisms...

The film had some funny parts towards the end with the main boss and the stereo type fat guy. I came away feeling sad that a Bruce lee Look a like seemed out of place and only put in to sell more tickets and that the story was hard to follow and the ending seemed a little anti-climatic. Besides that... it was pretty Average.

Scarecrow Gone Wild

crap movie...
I watched the 1st scarecrow movie and didn't bag out that one, though i knew it was b grade it actually had some decent gore and the guy playing the scarecrow was an awesome acrobat and had some good skills going. The effects were better and the costume looked heaps better then this movie.

I borrowed this one with an open mind, i am also a fan of ken shamrock (former ufc superfight champ) and was hoping it was a decent movie.

Boy was i wrong, the movie sucked, the monster was pathetic in both appearance and in actually being scary, the storyline was SO predictable it was like watching the movie in preview mode, as i already would guess what will happen, the music was so bad, with a horrible lip sync song that made me wanna punch the screen.

Overall avoid this crappy movie.

Save some money.

GWAR: Live from Antarctica

Awesome Live concert show
I remember seeing this when i was a kid, it was on VHS and my father bought my older brother a copy of it as a 12th year birthday present.

It was a censored version that held back majority of the comical violence and blood, i remember watching that movie enjoying the metal/punk music and the cool costumes and wondering what all the fuss was about seeing the words "censored" on the screen every time a gory bit was happening.

I've always remembered this movie and missed it when my brother moved out.

Today i went and bought myself a copy on DVD and to my absolute pleasure i have now seen it with no silly "censored" logos flashing and no "beeping of swear words" and may i say i loved it! The stage show kicks butt considering it was done in 1990, taking the reigns from Alice cooper for shock rock antics and blood content, the music is GWAR at their best with stand out tracks like "sick of you" , "maggots" , "sexicutioner" and "jacques Cousteau" blasting you away.

THis movie was a trip down memory lane for myself, i can though understand not showing it to little kids as it does have a bit of adult content, but hey its monsters playing metal music with blood and guts flying everywhere, whats more cooler!! GO and buy it!! A must for metal/punk fans


Absolutely amazing!!!!
I have been a fan of transformers my whole life....growing up in the generation when they were on TV in the mornings, collecting the toys and swapping them with friends, this movie had a lot to prove to me.

I went in today to watch it and was blown away by the movie. It was visually amazing and had a good selection of characters in the film, my only small issue was that devestator wasn't a combination of the constructacons, though the script may have been the way as he may have out shadowed the evil megatron.

The script was done pretty well, with some good human character that will draw you into the the story, the music was done very well and integrated with the sound effects well.

Overall i gave this movie a 10, though i may be biased because I'm am such a big fan, after seeing it, i wanted to see it again.

I cannot wait to see (if there is one) a special edition version of the movie with any bonus footage.

Go see it now

Autobots...roll out!!!


The best comedy series created since the Young ones
What else more could you want? Ric and Ade from the young ones together again as the lovable characters Richard Richard and Eddie Hitler.

Bottom takes some of the slapstick violent humor from the young ones and the Dangerous brothers and integrates it with some mental instability,poor hygiene habits,alcohol and more violence and fighting.

Both character are lovable in there own way and there is always a laugh around the corner, some episodes feature former young one Christopher Ryan (mike the cool person) as Dave hedgehog and the famous 'spudd gun'

I have all the DVD collection of bottom. I cannot say anything else but buy or rent them Thats if you one for funny crazy British humor


Most people will bag it out
As some reviews have already said. This movie isn't the most amazing thing created.

It has some really bad acting and a very weak plot line that gets confusing at times. Besides that i enjoyed it...i like b grade movies...i don't know if the directors were going for the b grade aspect when creating this piece of fine art but i seemed to enjoy myself watching it.

The actor playing the scarecrow did an amazing job and must have some mighty fine gymnastic experience and basically steals the movie, though its wouldn't be that hard considering he is the main character in the title.

The movie isn't that bad...its just b grade...there are some laughs and some gross out bits...not for everyone.

I enjoyed it. Though nothing beats the old school "scarecrows" movie.

Super Punch-Out!!

Awesome game super Nintendo classic
One of the best games on the super Nintendo entertainment system.

This game revolves around boxing (obviously)

There are a number of different fighters from different backgrounds and countries to make your way through starting with the old school old man "gabbey jay" 'eeaah', working your way up through different styles of fighters "bob charley"(bob marley copy) a Bruce lee and mike Tyson copy also "nick and rick bruiser". mastering the knockout super punches is essential, this game provides hours of fun on your own and with friends around to play it with.

If you see it and have a super Nintendo/famacom do yourself a favor buy it!!!!

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