
IMDb member since September 2022
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What a movie! Shot in Britain but with very poor American accents! A take on a few other alien type movies for sure.

It had its moments but not many and the special effects where not that great.

In saying that, I did watch it and something made me want to watch it otherwise I would have switched off as I have done with other truly horrendous movies.

If you like b-movies (and I kinda do) then you might like it.

If you don't then you don't.

Anyway, I've definitely seen far worse but I don't think I'd give it a second outing.

I think they spent the budget on the alien design and costume!

Ya'll take care now!


Definitely different
If you like films that are not run of the mill...you know the type, groups of people, no phone signal, lost, etc etc then you might like this. Whilst the story was in parts kinda poor there were bits that were good and quite humerus, or was it just me that found it amusing? Anyway, as always it was slow start and a bit confusing as to what actually happened. It came good or at least I feel it did. The acting was good and the story was accessible in the main.

Overall I definitely enjoyed this movie and would perhaps watch it again. Maybe I am just weird! Check it out....you never know what you might find!


Bicycle helmet
What a load of old tosh! Why was the so called private wearing a bicycle helmet! Terrible acting and very poor story line. The Doctor went from replicating DNA to reproducing dinosaurs...as one would of course. People in the world are suffering so why no bring back t-rex?

The whole thing should really have been watched before releasing and put in the bin... The CGI is not the best and the army chaps are no more army than me! I don't know how much the budget was but it was too much. Its a shame really as it could have been so much better and the acting better. Never mind...Hatched??? More like Hatchet!

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