
IMDb member since June 2007
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    IMDb Member
    17 years



*MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS* So I am huge fan of the UK Skins and I really wanted the US version to be as good but like the reviewer before me said it's so obviously NOT American. Ten minutes into the show and you already notice "Hey they're not in America...!" The location looks so obviously Canadian it's annoying. Hey MTV, we already have this show it's called Degrassi the Next Generation. As for the script, I knew going into it that they were going to use the same exact storyline (MTV fail) but they didn't even bother changing the dialogue for an American audience. NO ONE talks like that. Who calls their mom "mummy"? I've never met a drug dealer that lives in a kitsch palace. Who the hell cast this show? Effy was gorgeous in the UK version. The "US" Effy is downright homely and looks nothing like Tony. In season 2 of the original Skins Effy almost dies of an overdose but I'm really hoping that in the US version she will actually die because I can't stand the sight of her. If this were on any other channel I think it would be canceled after the first episode. You think MTV would understand today's youth and know how to create believable characters. Sheesh.

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