
IMDb member since January 2002
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I'll Do Anything

Wrong actor
When I watched this movie I had two questions in my head:

1) Where have I seen her (Joely Richardson) before? 2) Why is Nick Nolte doing this part, and not Ted Danson?

The answer to Q1) is not so very interesting, but it is 101 Dalmatians.

The answer to Q2) is more interesting. It seemed like Nick Nolte was trying to look and act like Ted Danson, especially in the beginning (when the character was young). And normally the original is better than the copy.

Besides those two questions I think the movie was OK entertainment, but not more than that. The film is not trying to tell us something. If they wanted they could have made much more out of the issue "How is it to be a child actor?", but they didn't. Fair enough.

Don't spend your money buying this film, but watch it if it gets aired on a TV.

Romantic Comedy

Romantic, Yes! Comedy, Not really!
As a light romantic drama this is a good film. As a fan of Dudley Moore as a comic actor, I was looking forward to seeing this movie.

The Norwegian video-cover indicated that it should be a very funny movie about am man who loses his partner and his wife on the same day, and how he manages his life after that. (Not a very good summary of the film!)

I didn't find this movie particularly funny. But I really liked the film! The romantic tension is present whenever Moore and Steenburgen is in the same room. The lack of romantic tension between Moore and Eilber is even better made.

The way it all turned out was very clever made, and when I thought that I understood how it was going to end, the story made an new turn.

Not one of the biggest moments in movie history, but a good film when you are in a romantic mood, and want something light to relax with.

Easy Rider

Great acting, boring movie!
This isn't a movie that's getting better and better with the years. It might have been controversial in 1969, and therefore became a cult movie, but it sure isn't controversial now. Now it's just boring!

It's an important piece of movie history, and as such a "must see" for movie enthusiasts. Others can quite well skip this one.

The acting is great from all the main characters. And the character 4 I gave this movie is all for the acting.


I was laughing through the whole movie.
If you like Steven Martin and/or Goldie Hawn, then this film is a "must see"! Both their characters are very typical them, and together they are dynamite.

I started laughing early in the film, and kept on laughing to the very end! The ending was a bit surprising, but good!

Peter MacNicol's character was a bit too similar to "John Cage" in the TV series "Ally McBeal". Of course without Biscuit's "special features". But since he has only a small part in this film, it doesen't spoil it.

My only question was: How could he afford it???

East of Eden

Slow start, good end.
If you haven't seen this movie: Be patient!! It starts very slow! I thougth "James Dean" seemed mentally retarded in the beginning, and the story went along real slow. But after a while it speeded up, but without going too fast. Some of the "sidestories" in the film should have been ended more properly. (Like the story about the german). The end of the film was almost perfect. A sort of "happy end", but not too happy. (It could easily have been....)

The legend of James Dean is what makes this movie worth seeing.

In the Bedroom

True feelings, bad end.

I have lost a child myself, and I could recognize many of the thoughts and feelings they had.

I didn't like the end. Killing him is no solution!!!

The film is really good handwork, and the actors played very well. I rated this film 9 not 10 because I didn't like the end/solution.

The Champ

If you don't have a tear in your eye when the movie ends, then your heart is made of stone!!!

The story is real good, it proves that it isn't always the mother who has all the love for their children.

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