Reviews (1)

  • This deserves at least Honorable Mention in the "Sylvester" awards for Worst Movie Ever Made. The plot is so hackneyed and cornball it's hard to believe anyone would fork over good money to make the flick. The acting is abominable with semi-profane wisecracks standing in for realistic dialog. The production values and special effects are horrendous even by 1992 (the year "Invader" escaped... ah, was released) standards. At one point, a character hops into what is supposed to be a top-line aircraft cockpit and nearly displaces pieces of foam rubber that serve as head- and backrest. At another point, two characters, one a reporter for a national scandal sheet, join uninvited and unannounced, a meeting on interference with a top-secret government weapons test and no one even questions it! If those aren't bad enough, apparently, nobody bothered to do even cursory research into questions like, "What color are official U.S. Air Force vehicles?" If tempted at all to view this mess, do so in the spirit of laughing at how bad movie making can get, and how low the tastes of audiences (yourself excluded of course) can sink.