Reviews (9)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Not much happened here. Starts off with a killing of a large animal like we've seen before, Jin tells us at the beginning he needs to get to the mines of Mandalore to rectify his taking off his helmet, baby Yoda makes some baby sounds, then Jin tells us he needs to get to the mines of Mandalore at then end. Wasn't awful, just kind of pointless and a nothing special episode. Hopefully they're not running out of ideas or Kathleen Kennedy is digging her hooves into the mix too much. Was wishing we would see Cara Dune, which they do mention. Wishing Favreau good luck with the season. Love his style and how he has handled things!
  • This movie fell flat just a few minutes into the movie. You could tell it was not done by the same people who did the other Curious George movies. I would advise skipping this one and checking out any of the other wonderful Curious George movies.
  • Not going to go too in depth but this show was really bad. The writing was absolutely horrible. Lots of talent in the cast but the writing will sink this ship. Do yourself a favor and skip ahead to the new Curb Your Enthusiasm.
  • Not going to go too in depth but this show was really bad. The writing was absolutely horrible. Lots of talent in the cast but the writing will sink this ship.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have to say, I have never disagreed with the reviews on IMDb more than I have with this movie. I do realize the similarities between this and Episode IV, but I never felt that this movie was purposefully following the same story line. Maybe for others this was a glaring issue, I just did not see it this way and neither did the 100s of others sitting around me in the theater. I did get a bit of "this is a little similar" feeling when they hid the plans in BB-8 and the scene where they decide to destroy the new Death Star was very lame. Other than that, I thought the new cast was really amazing. Daisy Ridley was beyond good as Rey. I was also very pleasantly surprised by Oscar Issac's role in the film and how well they all seemed to have a good chemistry. BB-8 was brilliant. He added so much to the movie. I also really enjoyed how each scene seemed real and not overly CGI like the prequels. They did an amazing job with the costuming and cinematography. All in all, this film is a fantastic addition to the Star Wars world, 100 times better than the prequels which do not see the light of day in our household. Let's be honest, even the original 3 films had issues, none were perfect with the exception of Empire. The deal with this film is it has the magic that made the original movies enjoyable. I would disregard about 99% of the reviews on her and go see the film. This film is ultimately a setup film for the next and I would imagine all those nitpicking at this film will eat their words when it comes out.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I generally am a pretty liberal guy and do root or the underdog and downtrodden more than the average person. This film almost sucked me in to believing their slanted view of the innocence of the West Memphis Three. Almost. As I watched the film, I began to have more and more doubts of their innocence as the film progressed. I found the attitudes and body language of the WM3 to show their guilt during the original trial in 1993-94. I mean if you were tried under false pretenses, wouldn't you be a little upset and vengeful, especially after being let out 18 years later? I also found Lorri Davis rather odd and in love with Damien, which is basically what drove her to get them out of jail. Her on screen appearance was bizarre and disturbing. This film doesn't provide a broad scope of evidence and instead provides only what it needs to get it's point across. It's a fact that 4 out of the six parents still believe that the WM3 are guilty. If you really want a clear picture of what happened, check out this site. They stretch they make as naming Terry Hobbs as guilty is just that. Quite a stretch. Yes Terry seems like a rough guy and probably guilty of being a weirdo but the confessions of Misskelley are in now way coerced or being led by the police at any point.

    Basically of bunch of people got together and let out 3 murdering sociopaths. Watch the documentary, and do your research and I would imagine anyone with common sense would agree. Very interesting and worth the time to watch but ultimately a biased slanted film.
  • This movie is the most deserving of all movies out there that is not in the IMDb Top 250. In fact, this movie should be in the Top 100. Everything about it works, the cinematography, the locations, the acting, the story and this is Robert Zemeckis' greatest showpiece. Tom Hanks has done some bad roles over the years but this is as brilliant as any Jimmy Stewart performance captured on film. I revisit this film about once a year and find things about it that make it even better with each viewing. The story is so well written in its simplicity, and Helen Hunt and Hanks have an amazing chemistry. It is a love story with action and heartbreak like few films have been able to pull together. I guarantee you will never pass a Wilson volleyball again without a big smile!
  • 24 September 2011
    Please don't believe the other reviews of this movie that are rated higher than a 5. This movie is really bad. There are reasons why movies don't make it in the theaters. You keep waiting for something to happen in this movie and it never does. I am all for slow paced introverted movies but this is just an amateur attempt at a deep moving picture. Simply playing piano music that is supposed to make you feel something for each scene is not going to cut it. The script is sparse and the actors have nothing to work with. Check out Submarine if you want a good teenage indie movie. Do yourself a favor and don't waste an hour and forty five minutes if your life on this drab borefest.
  • This is a great documentary of the band in their prime. This is probably where the creators of the Real World got their idea for the show. They take some major fans and allow the access to a tour bus and a ton of concerts and they film the whole thing along with the rigors of touring as Depeche Mode. It is a must see for any fan or anyone else interested in seeing a great behind the scenes take on a band at the height of their career.