
IMDb member since November 2022
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    IMDb Member
    1 year, 7 months


The Night Manager

half baked expensive pastry
What looks like a promising espionage thriller goes downhill after the first 2 season. The build up is great but as soon as more character involved and the the accidental spy plot really kick in took a serious nose dive as the script looks half cooked and everything seems to be done with half the budget promised.

Other than the impressive island resort that was used as Hugh Laurie's character house eveything else just doesn't live up to their own premise of one of the richest and baddest arm dealer in the world.

The whole entourage was never convincing and the plot is unsurprisingly very predictable. Acting form the supporting actor was painful to some degree and neither Tom or Hugh is doing anything to help in that department either.

The finale was a cringe moment equal to those of a midnight B-grade action flick.

It was only 6 episode and good to kill the time but you won't find any satisfactory from it.

Trapped in the Farmhouse

a total waste of time
Even for a TV movie this is a real stinker. For the genre you would expect at least some blood and violence but i guess it was too hard for the amateurs filmmakers to do so none of that.

Trying to build suspense from lines but the writing was shallow and totally lack any thrill, so all the talking were tidious.

Acting was blant at best and there were absolutely nothing thrilling whatsoever about this supposedly thriller.

The whole thing looks like it was done by a student and not a very good student. It won't even cut it as a "dumb fun horror film" where you can switch off your brain and enjoy some dumb fun. This is just dumb with zero fun.

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