
IMDb member since February 2002
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The Time Machine

This is a showy and entertaining story about an idea everyone has dreamed of: having power over time.

The art direction is striking, from the intricate Victorian machinery to the balloon-like homes of the Eloi.

Pearce's performance seems overwhelmed by all that is going on around him, but Orlando Jones is delightful as a virtual repository of all human knowledge, pop singer Samantha Mumba has a strong, sweet presence as the Eloi teacher who befriends Alexander, and Jeremy Irons is shiver- evil as the creature who prizes his own survival above everything.

Hey Hey It's Saturday

Hey Hey, thankgod its gone forever!
This show was terrible its its final years. Daryl Somers refused to change the format of the show (like the bosses/fans kept telling him he should) and so it got axed (yet he was still suprised).

Whenever a side kick would get more popular then Daryl he would kick them off the show. He did this to Denise Drysdale because she was simply to funny, so anyhow he then decided to put blonde bimbos as his co-hosts on the show instead (they were really REALLY dim)

I will give the show credit for unveiling alot of talent on its RED faces segemnt (this was a segment EXACTLY the same as The Gong Show from America)but beyond that it was pathetic.

Actually the show was mentioned to Jay Leno once and he said " what a stupid name for a show, whats next run run its Monday. LOL This was actually show to Daryl during the show and he obviously wasnt expecting it by the look on his face. He was talking up Leno beforehand saying what a great guys he was and all this. You should have seen the look on his face what a classic!

Storm Boy

Great Australian Movie
This is a wonderful film that kids will love. It would be hard to get a copy these days but if you can then you shall not regret it. 9 outta 10! I would have given it 10 but i just hate sad endings

Turbulence 2: Fear of Flying

This movie sux
This movie is total rubbish. The only decent part of this movie is when the bloke gets chucked out of the plane. The lawyer gets chucked out! there you go i told you, in case you havent seen it. Now that you know the best part of the movie for god sake whatever you do dont go and rent this, it is woeful. O.1/10

Meatballs Part II

Well it was from the 80's after all
Kim Richards is HOT! so I mean its worth getting out if your a guy just for her. The Alien is cute and you get a few laughs. The two heads of camp are very annoying and everything goes quite slow. Go rent it out if your bored theres worse movies out there.

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