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Silly Funny!
I don't understand the bad reviews. This was never meant to be an Oscar winning movie. Sometimes you watch a movie just for fun entertainment on a Sunday afternoon. This totally delivered! It was outrageous and silly and actually laughed out loud at quite a few things. That's hard to do. For me, it's a solid eight. A ten for me means I like it so much. I could watch it every year. Dave Chappelle was Dave Chappelle. The rest of the cast was great. I hate watching serious movies and see all the things that don't make any sense, that would never actually happen. Most of this would never actually happen, but it was funny and I didn't give it any negative remarks the whole movie! Solid winner for just plain fun!


Disappointed. Sexual body parts mentioned in the movie.
I expected more with all the hype. The opening scene was slightly creepy. After it was over, my 8.5yr old daughter said "it made no sense!" I'm particularly glad that when the male and female sexual parts (pen. And vag.) and gonad were mentioned in the same sentence that she did not ask us what that meant. I know it's PG-13 but this was marketed to kids and you know it. 13 year olds don't play with Barbie's! It seemed like a movie-long, gimmicky commercial for Mattel to sell more Barbie merch. The costumes were lovely. It was never shown how they transitioned in and out from some other worldly Barbie land onto earth. It was not for us and my daughter loves fashion design. She takes scraps of fabric and wraps clothes on her Barbies. So she likes them and this movie was a let-down for her.

The House Next Door

I laughed so much.
Y'all are way to hard on what is supposed to be a spoof comedy. For what it was, it was awesome. I laughed 90% of the time. Hysterical. Unexpected lines that shock you so much you just laugh. If you are bothered by curse words or gratuity use of the "n" word hurled around, then this is not for you. Katt plays a pimp as usual. He may be type cast but it seems to suit him. His lines just flow. I would watch this every Halloween if I see it.

They still want 158 more characters. For what? A review does not need to be super long to be honest and accurate. 44 more still??? Just watch it and have a good time!

No se aceptan devoluciones

Please watch and do not turn it off!
Must see! It starts out a little corny and goofy. I kept hoping a story would come out of it especially since I was reading the subtitles. I had 2 years of Spanish way back in high school so without them, I would have understood very little. I almost gave up... almost. I am so glad I didn't. There is a real storyline and one that you could see happening in the real world. I don't even know what to say without giving any hint me away. Do not read the spoiler reviews. Just watch and be blessed and utterly gutted. I needed tissues and extra oxygen. I have never had this kind of reaction from a movie.

Smokin' Aces

No story until the last 5 minutes
So much star power! Someone wanted to make a non-stop, graphic violent movie and did so. There really is no storyline until the last 5 minutes when you find out what you thought was the premise was not...

Zoey's Extraordinary Christmas

Terrible acting and singing. The premise is hard for me to accept and at 22 minutes, I officially give up. I come here and see 10-star ratings. Oooook. Well, it was not for me.

Begin Again

I almost gave up...
My husband chose it on a lazy Sunday afternoon. He said it was a comedy... it surely was not. About 20 minutes in, I said this is moving very slowly and I have not laughed once. I get the premise of what's going on and I wish they would just get to the next part of the story... and they did! Thank goodness because I was about to ask him to turn it off. The rest was a little too slow for me but it was engaging. At the end I thought, no way! They leave her part open-ended?! And then they finished it. Very cool ending! There were a couple of humorous moments but it is definitely a drama. I would likely not watch it again but I would recommend it as entertaining with a nice lesson on the things that matter most in life and it ain't being famous.

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

If Tom gets affected working there, wby doesn't he quit???? Story moves waaaaay too slow. The contrived scenes and dialogue written like a script is off putting.

Holiday Hearts

The epitome of Christmas!
For me, this movie was just pure Christmas. The whole thing was sweet and filled with Holiday joy. No fighting. No business on the brink of failure. No competition. No stress. No misunderstandings. Just people enjoying the holiday and connecting with each other. This is now in my top 5, maybe even top 3 Hallmark Xmas movies. The only thing thing I could fault is the heavy decorations but honestly in this movie, I LOVED it!!!! It worked and it was beautiful! I had this on my DVR from a May 21, 2020 air date. It is 2 weeks later, June 4 and if you look at the news of today, this was just what I needed today. Thank you for this wonderful, endearing Christmas movie! I don't know how I missed this last year but I will watch every year!

How to Pick Your Second Husband First

I can't...
At 14 minutes I quit. I was terribly annoyed the entire time. I watch movies for enjoyment not to be annoyed. That is fat the fastest I have ever quit a movie. Enough said.

Surprised by Love

Might be my fave HM movie!!!!
Really. I think this is my favorite non-holiday Hallmark movie. It's just fun! Yeah some of it can be a little quirky or goofy but really, it is fun. If I see it on, I put it on or record it. The snooty people soften up, the tight-wound daughter loosens up and goes after her dream. The golden retriever is a scene stealer. The acting is all great and the chemistry is not "on fire" between the leads but they definitely connect well and you can see them falling for each other. The movie is so entertaining that I don't mind a little lack of chemistry. And yay for another adult movie! No kids or festivals or overdone artificial greenery. It's almost like a Pollyanna story. Gridley improves the lives of everyone he touches including the mute grandfather who speaks to him. Hilario Burton was a champ running down the hill in heels to get her man! Great ending. It's fun and heartwarming and I completely recommend it! I am a tough critic on Hallmark movies but this one is a rare gem.

Sailing Into Love

Oh dear...
Somehow I have made it to an hour and 22 minutes. I'm thinking about quitting and came to see if I'm the only weird one or if the reviews say things I'm thinking. They say things I am thinking. My thoughts are the lead actress is limp. That's the only word I could come up with in my mind. Just no personality. The guy is great. Everyone else is doing a good job. Yes, her voice is a little annoying and she sounds like an eight-year-old. I hate to be critical of something that someone can't fix but that in itself is not keeping me from enjoying the movie. Yes she's adorable but maybe too adorable for a leading role. I wasn't sure anyone could be more "adorable" than HM's top leading ladies. (Candace and Lacey) Maybe the dreariness of the weather is making it lackluster as well. I like the different setting and that there are no festivals to attend or kids to appease or artificial greenery everywhere. Thumbs up for skipping that overdone stuff. It is just not holding my interest. I'm finding myself reading news stories on my phone and vaguely listening to it. Sorry :(

666 Park Avenue

I loved the show! I remember that I missed the final episode too. I wish there was somewhere to watch it again. I was so sad when it was canceled.

Love in Store

I guess I'm one of the few who really did not like this. The acting was good but I'm more put off than drawn into story lines where the romantic interests are feuding with each other and seem to hate each other but then mysteriously fall in love. Gag. That is a classic soap opera storyline. I've never seen that happen in real life. It's not fun watching people bickering because it just leaves me feeling irritated. I no longer am rooting for them to fall in love. I just don't want to see them together anymore! I think the best parts of the movie for me were the escape room and the bike ride scenes. They were happy, pleasant scenes. That's about it. Also, I never felt any chemistry between them. Even by the end, it seems like they were just friends Also, I never felt any chemistry between them. Even by the end, it seemed like they were just friends. Overall, it was just a terrible storyline. Bonus being there were no silly festivals or fake flowers everywhere. Bonus being there were no silly festivals or fake flowers/greenery everywhere. I would not watch again. Sorry :(

Just My Type

I liked it but there were some misses.
Great story! Great acting! Zero chemistry. The leads seemed more like very good friends who were very comfortable with each other. There wasn't a hint of chemistry until the very end and it was sort of lackluster. The two girl friends had a much more enjoyable relationship. They were actually like very good friends and acting and saying things that good friends would. Completely natural with each other and like they've been best friends for 10 years. That was really fun to watch! The gas station seeing at the five-minute mark had me laughing so hard. I really needed that today. It was really the most ridiculous thing but I think I've seen in a Hallmark movie. There was like a rack of artificial flowers for Michael standing in front of a gas pump! I kid you not. Then there were more racks of flowers up against the wall of the convenient store. And one of the doors at the convenient store had artificial floral garland wrapped around it. That's just the beginning of the flower fiasco. There were artificial flowers everywhere. Wrapped around fence railings outside, crammed into vases in every nook and cranny of all the dwellings including the single guys house! Even for Hallmark this was waaaaaaaay over the top. You don't shove the idea that this is a "spring" movie down peoples throats by putting artificial flowers in every single scene. It is obvious they are artificial! Oy vay. Then she had some kind of poisonous reaction like poison ivy to something they called blanket flower. I looked it up and blanket flower looks nothing like the artificial bush from Michael's she pulled out of the ground. It really looks like a Gerber Daisy and it's not poisonous at all. Fail. I'm happy to see this was an adult movie. There we are no children to appease. There was almost no festival but they did not make it into a big thing. There is no snowman making contest or pie making contest, etc. So glad that corniness was left out. If it weren't for the abundant artificial flowers that annoyed me in pretty much every single scene and lack of chemistry, this movie would've been a 10! I really liked them together but I just never felt romance. Maybe off-camera they are too friendly with each other to be able to fake the romance on screen? Or maybe they actually don't like each other off camera? They are both great actors but it just didn't happen. I'm not sure I would watch this one again.

A Man for Every Month

This is horrible. At 23 minutes, I'm done. I rarely bail on a movie. I have never heard of any of these people. Lead actress was bad. The supporting actress Justine Alpert was great and should seriously be considered for lead actress in HM movies. She was the only one up to this point with good acting skills. They could use some fresh faces. The lady as the "boss" was awful and I couldn't see past her lip injections. Sorry.

Love on the Air

Not for me!
I have this on but I'm not really watching it. It is more background and the little bit that I do look up and watch, I find to be completely annoying! There is no way I would give this movie my full attention and I'm about to turn it off. My idea of romance is not people fighting and arguing their way to " falling in love". Nope. Oh my, it came back from a commercial and they are on the air having negative banter with each other and fighting again! This is not fun. I like to watch a movie and enjoy it not feel irritated. 2 thumbs down.

MatchMaker Mysteries: A Fatal Romance
Episode 2, Season 1

Just ok
It was entertaining enough and of course the suspect with no obvious motive is the killer. I like the actors but not here. Zero chemistry maybe because it is only the second movie and they are supposed to be building up. The Mystery 101 series is much better written, suspenseful and portrayed. And Hallmark props... shame on you for the huge fake flower bushes from Michaels in the final scene.

Bound & Babysitting

11 minutes in and I'm out... this might only be the second Hallmark movie I've ever stopped watching. Terrible acting and scenarios. If you can't grab somebody in the first 10 minutes, it's a flop.

Forever in My Heart

Could have been.
I agree with the other ad reviews. They say exactly what I was thinking: very disappointed and the scenery could not save the movie; the lead actor's terrible accent and mumbling; zero chemistry; just boring. Honestly, I came here to leave a review because I thought the movie was almost over in like 10 minutes. I'm barely over half-way! What on earth could be left of this sad mess? It's never fun to leave an honest review like this. Her haircut was cute. I can't believe anyone would say anything negative about it.

Mystery 101: Words Can Kill
Episode 3, Season 1

So far this is my favorite Mystery 101. I have seen 3 now. I kind of picked out the who dunnit early but then you question things more and things definitely were not as they seemed. There was nothing obvious about all the goings ons that really happened. When they wrap it up and show what happened... you have that ahhhhhh moment. My only complaint was wardrobe put Jill in sage green outfits too many times. The final navy/magenta plum combo was refreshing and lovely.

Mystery 101: An Education in Murder
Episode 5, Season 1

Not bad
A few missteps but overall a good mystery and chemistry. The two leads are GREAT together. When would a cop ever stalk and nearly run over someone at the police station? (face palm) I was very impressed that Mr. Polaha did not rely on the fake stuttering he sometimes does. The conversations all felt real. It was an enjoyable movie!!!! Thank you.

Flip That Romance

Not great.
I realized I got sick of the fighting and banter really quickly. It was annoying and honestly I was not rooting for them to get together and was glad when the movie was over. Sorry.

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

If Tom gets affected working there, wby doesn't he quit???? Story moves waaaaay too slow. The contrived scenes and dialogue written like a script is off putting.

Holiday Date

Happily Surprised!
Yes, the storyline has been been done before and yes it was a little corny but you know what? I thoroughly enjoyed it! The cast was so great that they saved the silly storyline. Over the top Xmas decor? Yeah but no fake giggles, no cheesy festivals. It was just fun. Thank you!!!

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