
IMDb member since November 2022
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Rebel Moon - Chapter Two: Curse of Forgiveness

Absolute FAIL..
Hey I have an idea! Let's make a child princess killer our main hero simply because she was 'sorry' she murdered an innocent child. Honestly, thay was HIS best idea for a 'hero'? N he was shocked Star Wars turned down his atrocious and ridiculous storyline? Lol I don't even know how anyone could endure this garbage with its non stop slow mo, even the damn grain work was slow mo'd lol someone needs to stop this dude writing movies, great scenery great imagery etc but he CAN NOT make a decent story to save his life hence his best work was partnered with excellent writers and he did the rest.......


Great movie wasted potential though
This movie surprised me as it was actually very entertaining had expectational stars but what on earth were they thinking with the male love interest? He was absolutely abysmal and so ordinary PLUS there was literally ZERO chemistry between the guy with the charisma of an old couch and the main female star.. I mean what were they thinking lol I actually forgot it was even a romance type movie and just enjoyed the other storyline's as it was so forced in the romance section and the non existent romance or chemistry between the two main stars was just stale and boring so no urgency and it wasn't until the end that I remembered it was based on that concept.

No Way Up

Obviously it isn't a 9 BUT I needed to balance out the ones expecting an Oscar winning Scorsese drama
Haha I had to leave a review due to the hilarious reviews I read of people hating this because it was 'unrealistic' and so many ridiculous aspects such as 'why didn't the rescue divers have weapons' lol

Umm firstly, it was NEVER marketed as an Oscar winning drama. It's a shark movie, about a plane crash that resulted in them being underwater and in a pocket of air within the plane slowly running out of oxygen whilst sharks hunt them due to the many dead bodies..

Also, why on earth would divers have weapons? Lol did you want them to bring bazookers, uzi's and grenades? They were rescue divers searching for a plane. Unbelievable.

All in all, it isn't Oscar winning. It isn't award winning acting BUT it's actually thoroughly entertaining with good enough actors and the plane crash alone was entertaining.. n the story is very interesting and keeps you watching.

It's entertaining and very very easy to watch.

Just don't expect Braveheart or an Oscar winning super realistic biographical drama and you will enjoy the time.

Rim of the World

Exceptional feel good movie and entertainment +++
Please ignore the naysayers and negative movie critic wanna be's that are too busy complaining about young people and their colourful personalities. This is an exceptional movie and very entertaining with emotion and a lot of feeling.

Yes they do say some out there stuff but it's done really tastefully and it's also nothing close to what a lot of these 'critics' are trying to say. It's a very good very exciting movie and it's about friendship, family and good.

It's phenomenal. Obviously it isn't 10/10 but I needed to boost the rating due to the bleeding hearts that got upset that teens actually might discuss things like sex, which they do.

They all do and it's entirely NORMAL. It's handled very well and like I said, it's a feel good movie it has suspense, action and doesn't take itself too seriously

Is it Titanic or Godfather? No. But it doesn't try to be. It tries to entertain and it is entirely successful at that.

The VVitch: A New-England Folktale

Better than a sleeping pill
Well, ignore the silly reviews trying to carve this as some kind of masterpiece simply because nothing happens. Some people think it makes them sound distinct and artistic if they promote movies like this when in reality it was an entire movie where literally NOTHING happened.

It's beyond slow, has zero suspense and it's extremely poor entertainment. This movie should be sold as a drama with a different name.

There are zero witches and it is simply an extremely boring movie with poor storytelling and a disastrous plot.

I have written enough for me but I need to add more characters for some silly reason.


Simpsons treehouse of horror made into a movie
Yes right lol the storyline to this episode is indeed one of the more popular treehouse of horror episodes but I won't ruin it for you by exposing which one It's a really interesting movie from the start till the end but once you find out what's happening it's pretty average plus the main characters were sent off too quickly in my opinion but it did keep me entertained.. shame they didn't utilise the leads as optimally as they could have but it's a horror and who ever knows what's going to happen anyway I have ran out of useless things to say but you know how it is, required characters n all I apologise.

Bird Box: Barcelona

Definitely worth your time.. entertainment A+
I am not sure what people were expecting, as this movie surprised me and was highly effective as a second movie which hopefully leads to a couple more as they can go a lot of directions with this story and there is plenty more to explain...

I didn't expect to enjoy this movie, due to being a massive Sandra Bullock fan BUT it truly shocked me and it was highly entertaining from start to finish. It never stops and the story is intriguing

The actors did very well and the way they handled the 'entities' story wise was extremely well done too. They didn't give it all away, which is good. You need mystery for a movie like this.

Anyway, if you weren't sure? Watch it. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Ghosts of War

Such potential missed by a bizzare ending
I actually was really enjoying this movie with great acting and a very interesting story with some twists and turns... unfortunately they destroyed the magic with a sudden and unexpected ending when the movie wasn't close to finished? Did they run out of ideas, money or just couldn't figure out how to conclude the story?

This could have been a very successful movie if they actually HAD an ending. It was so abrupt and reminded me of that Nicolas cage movie where he can see into the future which was a good movie but also abruptly ended halfway through the story... so these people think they are making a series or something?

Flux Gourmet

As predicted rotten Tomatoes is rotten at ratings
Ok... where to start, initially this movie is as subpar and basic as it can get. We have mediocre actors and such a ridiculous storyline that meanders on for far too long. We watch non sensical rubbish that RT calls 'unique and artistic' so either they are simply paid off now or they really need to pick a new career as whenever a movie on RT beats 80 it's almost always a boring narrative on something people don't care about or more importantly is just a snoozefest and not entertaining in the slightest!

This was such a waste of cinema and made no sense whilst being extremely boring and just pieced together.

Miss it and save yourself the anguish.

The Power

Is this the slowest ever show about magical powers?
I can't even fathom how you can get to make a series about girls with insane powers yet make it the worlds slowest and most boring ever show on television? How did they do that?

They should win an award, but an award for dropping the ball. You have intense marketing, great scenes in previews but the show moves at a snails pace and is as dull as you can get with minimal feeling, emotion or excitement.

I even got bored watching it in fast forward when I wanted to stick in there. Uninteresting characters and such a boring storyline with minimal to zero exciting scenes.. I'm shocked they got given a great idea and fumbled soooo hard.

The Requin

Woah what on earth was that?
I honestly find it extremely hard to believe that a company made this movie? It was more like a failed drama school movie from the team that failed the exercise OR was meant to be made extremely bad as an example to new filmmakers of what not to do... not only were the sharks barely in it till the last 20-30 minutes but the acting? The cgi? The failed storyline and nonsensical plot. I struggle to even think of a movie this agonisingly bad.. I always like Alicia Silverstone but she was beyond bad in this but they didn't have any chemistry the actors and it was so forced and pitifully painful to watch.


An entertaining fun adventure of a film
I was actually really impressed and surprised by this horror based on Irish folklore. It was definitely entertaining and had a good story that was easy enough to follow without taking itself too seriously If you go in simply to be entertained then you can't fail, it has good strong actors and a good storyline that was easy to follow The movie starts off completely different and then changes which I do appreciate in a movie, especially a horror.

They don't get too complicated and the characters are believable and interesting enough.

I would have liked more of an explanation at the end of what happened with the wife/Mum but I can't complain.

Silent Night

Potential but kind of wasted...
Don't get me wrong, this was an entertaining movie that passed the time BUT it has potential to be a very good movie but seemingly fell flat halfway through with a lack of direction and not enough story or emotion.

They needed to either ramp up the comedy aspect or to create more emotiOn or direction but unfortunately it was kind of flat and didn't really have any statement to make.

Considering the exceptional cast and money involved they could have easily done both but like I said it was a good movie and entertaining for the majority which is always a blessing these days in cinema. Peace out.

Thor: Love and Thunder

Woah what was he smoking when he made this?
How on earth do you from Ragnorok to this absolute garbage with zero emotion and just acting as a complete mockery of everything that makes Thor Thor? Not to mention during this messed up spoof of a movie they decide "Now is a great time to feature a character dying from cancer" Honestly?

This movie was such an embarrassment for Marvel fans and such a mockery of the entire Marvel universe. Thor was so devastated by Thanos YET in this joke of a movie he makes buildings featuring Thanos Glove and the infinity name? Like really?

It doesn't take much thought to realise when your really just making a comic spoof and when it really doesn't fit into the marvek universe or offer anything to the ongoing story.

Couples Retreat

Why so much hate for a perfectly executed comedy?
I'm really baffled by the hate on here for what is a really entertaining and funny 'feel good' comedy? It isn't meant to be a documentary or a serious drama but a comedy with a load of exceptional actors and some very believable characters and funny relationship issues faced by people.

They had feeling when required and they executed the comedy very effectively

You can watch this movie and turn your brain off and laugh or be thoroughly entertained which is what the primary goal is for a comedy. Anyway, I found the movie to be excellent and have even been able to easily view it multiple times.

Halloween Ends

What were they thinking?
I'm really quite shocked and in disbelief at how you can go from Halloween 2018 and Halloween Kills to this? This movie doesn't even tie in to the other two nor did they even need to exist for this finale chapter.

I really can't figure out how you can suddenly make Michael Myers, a literal unstoppable powerhouse the first two movies, transform into a weak background character for an entirely new character.. it baffles me.

This would have made sense only as a stand-alone prequel. It has absolutely no business being the finale in a trilogy.

Why did they suddenly make it into a 'Christine' type movie where Myers basically represented the car and his 'evil' or 'power' moves into a completely new random character...

I can see why this really shook up the Halloween and Myers fanbase as they really did no favours for Myers in this entry.

Watch it as a stand-alone prequel and it's entertaining but don't watch it expecting it to be about Michael Myers or the ending chapter in a trilogy which featured him at the forefront.


Can I get my time refunded? Painful
Well, I'm not even sure why they released this movie?... it had potential but maybe they ran out of money because it ended up being flat as a pancake and just ending with the most unnecessary sacrifice ever and no clear finality.

Don't waste your time. First time reviewer just to save you your precious time and I love the actors but ouch... they must have lost a bet.

It's actually really hard to fathom why anyone would release this? Let alone watch it.

Plot holes, inconsistencies, no climax or ending, wasted life, ridiculous decisions, lack of discussion between the characters and a plethora of really subpar movie making decisions.

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