
IMDb member since July 2007
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Chien et chat

Not worth the time.
The film is a badly dubbed (French Canadian? ) comedy? The jokes ( of one could even call them that ) are hackneyed at best. The characters are not interesting. The Dog and Cat (Chein et Chat) have no redeeming qualities. I feel sorry for the producers of this film because its budget must have been higher than production values would likely have normally been due to the Dog and Cat animation. I was surprised that Netflix posted this as the number three streamed in the United States the day I watched it. I should have just stopped watching it but, I genuinely thought there was a chance ir could somehow redeem itself.

Plot: A ruby is stolen, the thief is being chased by a "cop". (The cop character is the only character that is the tiniest of fun in the film) The thief drops the ruby. Dog swallows the ruby. Thief grabs dog and they both run into cat and cat's owner. Cat and Dog are anthropomorphic and become separated from their humans who chase them. Hilarity does NOT ensue.

At Any Price

Not as described better than described
. This film is dark. The Whipple family, around whom this film is centered, is a ruthless group of people: the title of the film should say it all.  Without spoiling the film, don't expect a "chick flick" or a feel-good  "son makes good as a race car driver" movie. 

Early on we see the son we see the son, Dean Whipple, (played by Zac Efron) show his character. Almost immediately we see Dennis Quaid's Henry Whipple character. Still the film proceeds to surprise in a very well written story, just how barren the Whipple family is of anything approaching decent human beings. 

This movie is a sleeper (look it up), it should win at least best directing and best screen play. The characters surprise you at their maliciousness. Listen to the thrum of the wind generators as they alone bare witness to this bleak family. In, short SEE THIS FILM!

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